A Brother and Sister, A friend, and A sick nation.....

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  This chapter is going to have alot of different languages, so after each paragraph I will put the translations. Oh and warning don't read if you dislike torturing...... *Smiles* But if you skip this chapter then the story makes no sense.... okay I shoudn't be so evil, the torture is only in the first part of this chapter......

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

       Russia groaned as he opened his eyes. His vision was blurry and he couldn't see well. Russia had his hands tied together and his feet were also tied to together, and just to be safe he was held securely by a chain. Belarus stood out of Russia's line of vision "Big brother do you like the new improvements to the house?" Russia's eyes widened and he looked around, trying to find Belarus. He began to struggle, trying to test the chain. "Sister, let me go." "No, I will not let you leave.....I won't recommend testing the chain Brother, sharp barbs are hidden within the chain" Belarus stepped slightly into vision. Russia hissed as the barbs stabbed him. He stopped his struggling and glared at Belarus. "I will say this one last time. Let me go." Belarus returned a glare, not frightened by her brother whatsoever "No, I will not" Russia narrowed his eyes. "Let. Me. Go!" Belarus grabbed a whip, although it wasn't her favored weapon it would do. Belarus cracked the whip hitting Russia sharply a few times. 

     Russia gasped, holding back a scream. He closed his eyes and waited for Belarus to finish. Once she stopped, he looked into her eyes, cold fury showing. Belarus ignores his icy stare "I dislike hurting you brother, so do not yell for me to release you." Russia growled, his purple aura growing slowly. "What do you want this time?" Belarus noticed the aura and replied "What I normally want big brother.." Russia sighed. "Nyet, I do not wish to marry you." Belarus sighed some cracking the whip harder onto Russia. Russia closed his eyes tightly as the whip hit him. "Nyet. I do not wish to!" He yelled, his aura shrinking slightly. "Big Brother....." Belarus sets the whip down grabbing a different weapon. Belarus looks at Russia holding a shovel in her hands stepping towards her brother. Russia's eyes widened at the sight of the shovel. He began to shake slightly. "What are you doing?" He managed to say, his aura still present.

      Belarus paused turning back to the table thinking better of using the shovel, then grabbing a golf club. "You will marry me big brother. Even though you don't wish to brother, I have other methods..."  Russia shook his head, tears forming in the corners of his eyes. "Nyet!" Belarus took a breath, and swung the golf club hitting Russia. Russia cried out in pain as it hit his chest. He gasped for breath, tears threatening to fall. Belarus stopped "Marry me, Big brother......"  Russia shook his head harder. "Nyet nyet nyet!" Belarus hit him again the golf club accidentally hitting his leg.   Russia flinched and whimpered quietly as his leg was hit. He could almost immediately tell it was broken. Belarus stopped lowering the club, hiding tears in her eyes sensing she had gone slightly to far "Brother..........I-I..." Belarus set down the club. Russia closed his eyes and avoided looking at Belarus. Belarus exited the room, not saying anything whispering to someone outside the door in Belarusian. A man walked down into the room after locking the metal door, he heads to Russia "Сэр, я не прынясу табе шкоды..." ( A/N: Sir I mean you no harm)

  ~~~ Time skip back to Russias house brought to you by flying mint bunny ~~~

     Latvia was cleaning the living room concerned some that Russia hadn't returned from last nights dinner with Belarus, when he broke into a fit of coughing. Latvia called to Lithuania, "Lithuania, I am not feeling good..." Lithuania looked into the living room. "You look a little pale, why don't you take the day off. I will take care of your chores." Latvia nodded heading up to his room slowly. Lithuania watched Latvia head up to his room. "I hope he isn't catching the flu..." Latvia sat down on his bed coughing. A few minutes later Lithuania knocked lightly on Latvia's door, some medicine and soup on a tray. Latvia looked at Lithuania and coughed "Thank you, Lithuania." 

A twisted Love story: Latvia and Russia (Hetalia Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now