The Interview

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I hear my mother yell from the god damn hills.
And by school she means college, Arizona State University. Today isn't even counted as a school day it's just s festival day organised for the students before everyone goes on spring break. Games, stalls, etc etc.
"Ariana I swear to god...." Mom begins to yell thinking I'm still in bed.
"Don't swear"
I came up behind her in the kitchen, she jumped for her life - "JESUS ARI"
"Morning boys." My sister walks in. "Why and how are you awake, you do realise it's 7:30AM?"
This is odd, my sisters never awake this early.
"Well I wanted to wish you good luck on your last day" She smiled.
"Um ok... mom what's for breakfast?"
"Ariana you're 21 years old do you think you could learn to make your own breakfast for once" She said sternly.
Yeesh, it's sounds so weird to hear my age - I haven't even had my first drink yet. "I can cook cerial."
"You don't cook cerial genius" Riley stated.
I just mocked her and stuck my tongue out.

-After the getting ready and currently in Mya's driveway waiting for her bitch ass-

Finally she steps out, "Heeeey who's ready to party?!"
"Hahaha Mya it's a college 'festival' calm down I might just go to the library"
"Can you for a minute celebrate the fact that we are going on spring break!"
"Oh come on ari you have to come to Cali!!!"
"Mya I've already told you I'm not going to get wasted I have another year until I get my major
l in computer science."
"Consider it.. Drinks, drugs, boys"
I punched her arm, "Mya I swear to god if you don't take care of yourself in Cali I'm going to find you and kill you myself.. no drugs and NO BOYS"
She just laughed but I'm serious about this, I am so worried for Mya! The girls she's going down to Cali with aren't that nice and definitely aren't the type to look after her if she's in a sticky situation!

-Skip to the festival at school, I decided to go to the library and browse the Internet when I got a phone call -

It was my sister?
"Don't hate me"
"Riley what did you do"
She sighed, "Okay so I was up last night on the Internet when I saw an advertisement for an internship for a job at googlplex in California and I knew you weren't doing anything this summer so I signed you up and you have a FaceTime interview with them I'm 10 minutes.. did I mention how amazing and smart you a-"
"I'm not mad"
"Calm down ari! I - wait what did you say?"
"I actually think that's a great opportunity I just wish you would have told me about it sooner"
"I know but I thought you would back out so now it's too late to."
"I'll do it."
"YAAAAAY-" then all I hear was weird screaming sounds.
"Riley!" I cut her off, "Do they have my number?"
"Yes I gave them all your info, good luck sis"
- End Phone call -
Um so what just happened, now at least when people ask why I'm not going to party I can say I have an internship... not sure if that sounds any better.
Then I got the phone call -
(okay so I know you guys have seen the movie so I won't write about what happens but basically she gets accepted)

I told Mya and a few other friends about the internship (extatic because I can see Mya) and in about a week I was on my way....

The Internship - Stuart TwomblyWhere stories live. Discover now