Meeting the Crew

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This has been a crazy week, packing and saying goodbyes - even figuring out what to wear. I mean I don't often dress up in heals and a short skirt but I have to look presentable and this whole week my outfits have been made up of track pants and a T shirt. Mya left a few days after school ended so it's just been me, my mom and Riley. It's actually always been us three, I've never actually met my dad he left before I was born. Riley knew him for 4 years but I stopped asking about him because she always pushed the subject away - so did mom. Riley left home when she was 18 because she was going through a very long 'self-independence phase' but she came back before her 21st birthday when she ran out of money. Mom's just happy she's back.

Anyways I decided to drive to Cali since its Arizonas next door neighbour it would be a fun road trip to take by myself in my BMW convertible. I really love bragging about my car since I payed for it myself!

-Skip to the set up at the Google apartments next to googlplex-

It's quite cosy here. Nice, colourful and modern. I set up my things and prepare my outfit for the internship meet.

(outfit is in polyvore link, if not she just wore blue short shorts with a long dark navy knit jumper, black and white converse with her hair all down!)

Once Mr Chetty (?) introduced himself and told us what was going to happen he sent us to go to a few seminars that were taking place. I went to about 3 and in one of them it was just the rules. There were two older goofy looking men that kept getting the answers wrong! I found it funny but Mr Chetty was not impressed...

After the seminars we all gathered back to our first meet and were told to pick groups.... ;

'Crap!' I thought to myself sitting here with a stupid wind cap on. Who the hell was I supposed to go with? I looked around and saw a cute Indian girl was also very alarmed with the instruction, our eyes met and she smiled. She walked over to me.. "I'm Neha, guessing you don't have a group?"
I just shook my head, why do I get so shy around people?!
"Well me neither do I guess we are together then, what's your name?"
"Ariana, nice to meet you Neha." Finally I got some words out - I always get nervous in big crowds. All of a sudden we hear "Babam! Kaplash! Shaoo!"

We looked to see the two older guys talking to one of the young Google employees.

So anyways it turns out we are the outliers with no group. The weird guy, Lyle I think his name is started introducing himself.

".....Hey, they ask and I dos it, they say I'm a people pleaser especially the ladies - my Mercedes. So it's all good in Lyles hood us heard!" This guy's either really nervous or just weird..

"Uh yeh is Lyle always gonna be referring to himself in third person? Cause if he is I might wanna punch Lyle in the face." Wow this guy is cold!

"Okay tough but fair good note haha, Lyles still a little nervous - Sh - uh first time manager - Lyles a first time manager - I'm gonna stop doing it, gonna cut it out and keep it to first and second person.. Who's next?"
Then an Asian boy with his baggy pants up to his belly introduced himself as Yo-Yo and went on to this whole banter with the beanie guy and one of the older guys about how breast feeding is better than bottle blah blah blah. I kind of zoned out for that bit until I heard a name.
" Yeh I'm Stuart." he briefly looked around the group.
"It's a pleasure to meet you Stuart, you know you can't trust everything you read on-"
"The journal of the American Medical Association? Sounds pretty trustworthy."

They went on about this for quite a bit, I wasn't listening I was just staring at Stuart, he was very mean and cold. There is probably some weird back story to why he's so harsh and sarcastic. Maybe he got bullied in -
"Ari!" Neha whispered. Oh fuck. Everyone had done their introductions even Neha and they were all looking at me.
I cleared my throat "Ehem, I'm Ariana."
They all looked at me waiting for me to explain more. "Oh ahh Ariana Rodrigues."
Neha kind of laughed at me, and Stuart just looked me up and down.
"Alright! Team Lyle! Nah okay we'll workshop that's. Its in beta. Okie doke our translate lectures in 15 minutes."

As we were walking to the lecture Neha came right up behind me and whisperer "Oh my god Ari you realise you were full on staring at Stuart for like 30 seconds!"
"Not at the time! I'm so embarrassed honestly it wasn't a creepy sort of stare I was trying to figure out why he is so mean!" I lied, wait what?
"Well maybe he will warm up to you. I mean look at you, you look like a pop star!"
"Yeh right! thank you though I don't think I'm interested in finding love here!"
We continued walking and found our seats.

The Internship - Stuart TwomblyWhere stories live. Discover now