The Ferry Ride

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It had been a long trip and the wait at the boarder was worse than I had expected, lasting almost an hour. Normally it took 15 to 25 minutes, but it seemed there were a lot of people traveling today and it was a much longer line than normal.

I finally got into Maine after about 8 hours and that was when I was on my third cup of coffee. At least I had someone to help me stay awake, and take over if I needed him to.

"How close are we?" Knockout asked for possibly the millionth time, or that's what it felt like. It had been a long drive and I knew that he was getting tired like I was.

"The dock is about 20 minutes away. The last ship leaves at 10:15, and my dad got us a car spot so I don't have to leave you here." It was almost 9:45 now and I didn't think that the ferry would wait for us.

~~~~~~~~~~~ time ~ skip ~~~~~~~~~~~

"Welcome aboard. Last ride to Griffin Rock for the day." I was surprised to here Captain Arthur's voice come out of the speakers, but I knew he would never give up driving the ferry — he loved it too much.

"I'm gonna try to sleep a little, wake me up when the captain says we are getting ready to dock on the island. And, no causing trouble while I'm sleeping; you cause enough when I'm awake."

I heard Knockout laugh quietly as I curled up on my seat. It was nice to know that was someone guarding you and not having to worry about what could happen.

~~~~~~~~~~~ time ~ skip ~~~~~~~~~~~

"Claire. Claire, time to wake up. We're almost at Griffin Rock. You awake?" I was awake, but I didn't open my eyes. That was until I felt a freezing blast of air in my face.

"Knockout! I'm gonna kill you for that." I was mad, to say the least. My temper was one thing that I could control, unless I was taken off guard. Sleep was one of those things but Knockout knew how to combat these kinds of things.

"No you won't, 'cause you're too tiny." He made a fair point, but I could counter it. There were so many stories I had heard from the kids who Agent Fowler worked with where one of them had saved their partner.

"Jack and Arcee versus Arachnid; Jack saved Arcee, and eventually his mom too." I had a smug grin on my face that I couldn't help.

"I don't think I've heard that story. You sure it's really?" I forgot that while I had spent time with the humans, Knockout hadn't spent much time with the Autobots.

"We will have to call them later and have Jack and Arcee tell us about it."

"What ever makes you happy Claire-y." I didn't like the nickname, but I didn't argue over it because it only came up every once and awhile.

I laughed as I felt the boat stop, swaying gently in the waves. It was something I missed feeling. Dad had always been willing to take me fishing with him and Cody, and I loved feeling the waves gently hitting the boat.

"Where do you fit in again? Age wise I mean." Family had always been important to me, but I didn't love talking about them, Knockout didn't know much about each person, I had meant to tell him in the ride over, but I guess I slept instead.

"Kade is the oldest, than Dani, I'm the middle, than Graham, and finally Cody is the youngest of us. My dad normal goes by Chief, though his name is Charlie. I'll make sure to say their names so you know which is which." I yawned once again, still tired but excited.

"Got it. Maybe one day I'll be able to meet them myself." I didn't like keeping secrets from my family, but this was one I had to.

"Maybe Knock. Maybe one day."

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