A Mug Of Black Tea

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The doors opened and I smiled seeing Knock helping Graham and Bolder out with something. I don't think I'll ever understand that boy and his tech stuff, but that didn't mean I was going to hold him back.

I walked over, after taking a few sips of my tea, sitting on the other side of the table from Graham. They didn't notice me for a while, so I just sat there watching them, trying to guess what they were working on.

It seemed to be some sort of security system. But it was hard to tell what did what because the wires and circuit boards were everywhere, I couldn't even tell where the central controls were going to be.

"Oh, hey Claire." Graham picked up a pair of wire cutters from next to me, finally acknowledging my presence. 

"Hello Graham." I sounded more awake, feeling the caffeine starting to wake me up. I had pulled my sleeves practically over my hands, so they were hidden other than the fingers that stuck out to keep my mug from falling.

"You slept late." Knock finally made a comment, after looking what he could see of me over to make sure I was okay.

"Yeah. Cody said I slept for about 14 hours; a new record." I pushed a piece of my hair out of my face, not wanting it to fall into my still steaming tea.

"Impressive." Graham sounded almost sarcastic, but everyone seemed to be avoiding the topic of what happened last night. Maybe Dad had warned everyone not to bring that stuff up again.

"So, do you wanna go out Knock? I'm hungry but don't feel like eating leftovers that Dani made." I had finished my tea, realizing that the mug was smaller than I remembered it being.

"Sure. Are you guys good with that?" As he spoke, Graham's table lit up and I could see that the tech was almost complete.

"What are you making?" Curiosity killed the cat, and that was how my brain worked too. Food could wait, this could not.

"It's a security system that can connect larger pieces of technology to one another. Like at the museum, having all the interactive displays connected to each other, which could give us an idea of what the town prefers to see." I nodded, impressed on how this could work.

"That sounds a lot like Vigil to me. You better not be creating a new way to control us all Graham." Cody cane down the fire pole, wet hair splashing me a little. So that's what he was doing upstairs, showering.

"Vigil? That name just sounds evil." Knock made a good point, and it was nice to see that he was able to get along with all of my family members so nicely.

"Yeah. It wasn't supposed to be evil, but it turned out to be. Even when we sent over to the Island of Misfit Tech it did some serious damage."

"Yeah, never want something like that to happen, again. Which is why my design isn't self sufficient or self evolving. This tech is for research and studying humans, not protection. For that we have the bots." Graham's idea made sense, but I would have to drag the whole story out of him or someone else later.

"Cool. Can't wait to see how it does." I give my brother a light hug from behind and motion for Knock to transform.

"Do you want me to take your mug upstairs?" Cody was bouncing around, probably getting ready for something or for someone, I never knew with that one.

"That would be great, thanks Cody. Please tell Dad I have my phone if he needs anything while I'm out." Making sure that my bother was actually holding the cup, I got into Knockout's driver's seat.

"Got it. See ya sis." Knock started slowly out of the Fire House. It was nice to have things back to normal, or normal as they get.

"So, where do you want to go?"

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