four ; insecure

143 15 4

michael waited in the cafeteria line with two trays on his lap. one would go to calum, the other to himself. this occurred every single day. calum always wanted baked mac and cheese with a fruit cup, pretzels, and chocolate milk.


so every single day, instead of the nurses, his best friend would bring the boy lunch. it was quite sweet of michael. he grabbed calum's lunch and then his, which contained a slice of pizza and tater tots. before he could go back to calum's room, a nurse appeared in front of michael. with, of course, a box that said 'raffle' on it. he groaned.

"raffle ends today. maybe you could win, is really anybodies game."

"oh no thank you. i already entered on-"

"enter twice." she said, holding out the box to him. michael could tell it was heavy.

what could one slip of paper do wrong?

he picked up a slip of red paper and wrote his name aross it. then he slipped it into the box. calum's plate of food was getting cold, so michael wheeled down the hall as fast as he ould, which was actually very slow.

the door was already opened to his room, and inside was calum, just scrolling through his phone.
"dude, i need to post more on instagram. but i never have anything to do." he said, without looking up.
michael let out a small laugh before wheeling to his friend, putting the tray on calum's lap.

dark hair with a blonde streak, buff arms, nice brown eyes, and glowing smile. that boy was the whole package. if the accident didn't occur, girls would line up for blocks and blocks. even in the hospital, girls would come in his room to say hello or flirt. it was pretty typical.

"your last post was like thirty weeks ago." michael said while taking a sip of calum's chocolate milk.

"well, i think we should do something post - worthy."

the problem was that he couldn't do anything post worthy. he couldn't leave the bed. there was nothing to do. how would anything post worthy come up? michael pulled out his phone and went to the instagram app. 'calumh00d' did indeed last post 30 weeks ago. it was a picture of him and his nurse, jasmine. she was a very nice old lady who made sure his best friend was always taken care of.

"ya, i know i can't do shit, but i wanna post something!"

"maybe like a selfie?"

"michael! you can't post two fucking selfies in a fucking row! do you not know anything?"

"i've seen people post two selfies in a row, i don't see what the problem is."

the room got quiet, while calum just looked at him. it was strange. then he looked confused at michael, almost curious.

"when was the last time you posted a selfie?" the boy spoke, playing with his phone case.

"like a couple weeks ago."

calum unlocked the phone and went to instagram. he searched "michaelgcliff0rd", then scrolled through the pictures.

"you bitch ass liar! there aren't any fucking selfies!"

michael huffed, pulling at the ends of his hair. the other boy looked upset as well.

"michael, bro, you shouldn't let that girl who called you ugly change anything."

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