Why Me and Bakugo?

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Wow thanks for 1K reads!!! Like most writers I didn't expect that at all.

Here is a chapter a day early!


"Ah! Bakugo! Shou~Chan! There you are!" I yell to the two boys in the distance. They both turn around to see me running towards them. I stop as I get to them and just lean on Bakugo as he is the only one out of the two who isn't occupied with carrying someone. I take a few seconds to catch my breath, only to realise that the air here made me feel weird. "Don't breath in the air to much, Shithead! Someone as filled the air with a gas that makes you pass out!" Bakugo says to me as I'm still leaning on him. "Well, guess what!" I ask Bakugo with a smile. He looks at me waiting for an answer. "We must be very popular, because the league are after the two of us apparently." I say as calmly as I can. He looks at me shocked.

"What do you mean by that?" He asks. I look at him like he is stupid. "Oh, I wonder. They. Want. To. Kidnap. Us. Do you get it now?" I say with a disappointed look on my face. "I'm not stupid Shithead! I knew that, but what I mean is how do you know and also why do you have a few bruises?" He asks. I smile nervously. "Um... I might of got into a fight with a villain and they asked me if I knew where he could find Bakugo and (Y/N)." I say to him.

"Next time, get help from your friends." Bakugo says while look away. I get an idea from what he says. "Would it be bad to use up a lot of energy just to get some help?" I ask them both with a wide bright smile. They look at me confused. "What are you going to do?" Shou~Chan asks with a concerned gaze. "Well I found something new about my quirk. I can make friends with other demons and they can help me out in the future. For example like a newer friend of mine, Kōkai, he can help me find people and places." I explain. They nod and I begin the short process of getting a new friend.

"悪魔の女王があなたを呼ぶ!" (Demon Queen calls You forth!). I transform into my demon form and look around to see a lovely little demon girl. I walk up to her and tap her on the shoulder. I turn back to the boys as I notice their stares. I turn back to see the little girls face. I smile at her and she smiles back. I neal down so I am eye level with the girl. "Hello there little girl, what's your name?" I ask the her. She smiles and jumps up and down. "My names Terepōto, Can we be friends!? Did you know I can teleport around? I can help you out when you need me!" She says enthusiastically. It was adorable! I nod my head and smile. "My name is (Y/N), it's nice to meet you! I need to go though otherwise I'm going to pass out. I come and visit later." I say to her as I transform back to my human form.

My knees begin to grow weak. I begin to call to the ground, until arms wrap around me and lift me up. It can't be Shou~Chan, he was carrying one of the 1-B students. So it must be Bakugo. "We should probably start making our way to the main camp. Then (Y/N) can rest there." Shou~Chan said. Bakugo then puts me down to then put me on his back. We continue walking towards the camp until we see a weird figure in front of us on the path.

"So pretty..... No. Have work, can't, but it's so delicious..... Beautiful flesh..... Don't tempt me.... I have a job to do." The weird figure speaks to himself only to turn around after he says some concerning words. Bakugo places me under a tree, then going back next to Shou~Chan you placed the other student under another tree. "No fighting, is that the rule?" Bakugo asks Shou~Chan. They both look at each other, then suddenly a loud announcement is heard.

"Everyone in class A and class B. In the name of the pro hero, Erasure Head. You are granted permission to engage in combat. I repeat, use your training, you may fight these villains." Mandalay says. Bakugo smirks and begins to run towards the villain. "Listen we have also made a discovery that the villains have two targets. It's two students that go by the name of Kacchan and (Y/N). You two should try and avoid combat and stick to a group. I hope you can hear me!" Manadalay says again.

Bakugo continues to run towards the villain. "I can focus if you get out of my damn head! I can take care of myself!" He yells. The villain then attacks. With his teeth!? The teeth continue to race through the air only to go straight to Bakugo. Luckily Shou~Chan saves him by making a ice wall. "Don't rush into this fight carelessly." He says to Bakugo calmly.

"Have to keep going.... have to work to my gum..." The villain says to himself. Bakugo continues to run after the villain, Until Shou~Chan saves him again. "Weren't you listening to Mandalay? There here because they are after you and (Y/N)." Shou~Chan says. I begin to gain more energy, with this energy I could help them out if anything goes wrong. "Telling is not to engage then changing their minds. I don't know how, but I get the feeling this is deku's fault. Well I don't care what anyone says!" Bakugo yells as he continues to run towards the villain.

The Villain manoeuvres around the forest trying to get a good view of them to attack them. "Damn it! He's good at moving through this terrain using his quirk." I quickly change into my dragon form and knock the teeth over so it's harder for him. I then nearly pass out again so I head back to the tree and lay down. Then slowly everything goes black and I can't hear Bakugo it Shou~Chan anymore.


Flashback time!! /Dream!!!

"Mummy, why are you crying?" I ask my mother. She looks down at me with a weak smile, tears still falling down her face. "It's okay, my baby. Me and daddy just had a fight." She says to me. She was shaking violently, she does this a lot lately. I wrap my arms around my mother as much as I can, giving her a tight squeeze. Mummy says that it helps her feel better. I look up to her smiling. "I love you mummy!" I say to her with a wide closed eye smile. She smiles back. "I love you too my little Tatsu" I close my eyes and lay down in her lap. She combs through my hair.

Suddenly a loud bang was heard and mother jumps at the sound. "Quick hide Tatsu!" My mother yells to me. I jump up and find my way under my parents bed. Father walks in and walks straight up to my mother. "You son of a bitch! Are you stupid or something! Why call the police on me when you have no proof, huh?!" A loud slap was heard around the room.

End of flashback/ dream!!

I wake up on Bakugo's back again. I begin Stretching and yawned which caught the attention of my peers. When did deku, shoji and Tokoyami get here? "I see your awake now." Bakugo says to me in a soft voice. "Are you okay, you were crying in your sleep again." He continues with that soft sweet voice. I smile at him. "Yea I'm fine again just a flashback."

Bakugo places me down and we walk side by side, until suddenly I am transported to a weird place. All around me is a baby blue colour. Where am I? I look around again to see Bakugo looking around not noticing me yet.

"Where are we?"

Thank you for reading!
Hope you enjoyed!

Where do you think they are?

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