A Villain!!?!

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"Uraraka likes you!" I yell at him with a smile, then start to head towards where I saw a glimpse of the class. I join Izu~Chan and listened to Mandalay and Pixie-bob explain what was supposed to happen.

In the end class 1B was trying to scare class 1A. Class 1A was partner up and I ended up with Izu~Chan. The first couple went into the forest, until all of a sudden a large Bang was heard. I look around to investigate where that bang came from to find that the forest was on fire and not only any flames, but blue flames. I close my eyes for a second to see if I'm just seeing things, but when I open them again I see some people fighting Tiger, Mandalay and Pixie-bob.

"That's the girl we have to get!" Says the lizard looking guy. I look around trying to find Kota to see that he is no where to be found. "Mandalay, Where's Kota!" I yell towards her. She looks at me for a second then turns back to the villain she was fighting. I'll take that as she doesn't know. I run to Izu~Chan asking him the same question. He looks at me worried. I guess he doesn't know either. "I'm going to go find him!" I yell to Izu~Chan, he agrees and comes with me.

"Kōkai, I need your help!" I yell out confusing Izu~Chan. Suddenly Kōkai appears out of thin air. "How May I help you (Y/N)" They bow to me with a smile. Izu~Chan looks at me confused. "I wanted to ask can you track people down?" I ask them. They looks at me with a smile and nod. "Then can you help me find Kota? The little boy with a red hat?" I ask them with a bright smile. At least I'm getting somewhere. They give me a map with a circle. "This is where he should be, the map should disappear when you get to your destination." They said pointing to the circle. I thank them and they disappear.

We begin to run, making our way to where the circle was. As we arrive just like Kōkai said, it disappeared. We look up to see a villain and Kota. The villain was slowly closing the small gap between them. I changed into my dragon form, which got the attention of the villain. Kota also notices us. "What are you doing?" He asks a bit worried. I step in front of Kota in a protective way while Izu~Chan is getting the attention of the villain away from us. I lay down low enough for Kota to climb on and make my way back to the main buildings of the camp.

As I place him down to our room I transform. "Hey, Don't cry. I promise you everything will be perfectly fine. You'll be safe here. When everything's over I'll come and get you okay." I reassure him with a big bright smile. He gives me a tight hug then runs into the room and hides somewhere. I transform again and make my way over to Izu~Chan again, only to see him getting beaten by the villain. I land right behind him, using my head I hit him into the wall and walk up to Izu~Chan to make sure he is okay.

The villain stands up, this time paying no attention to Izu~Chan but to me. He punches me in the face, the arm and the stomach. He then proceeds to ask "Hey, maybe you'll be more of a help. Do you perhaps know where I can find two students by the names of Bakugo and (Y/N)? I still have a job to do after all, while your at it can you transform back already?" I do as I'm told and transform back. He gets a good look at me then realises that one of the people he was looking for was right in front of him. Izu~Chan gets behind him and punches him in the head with as much power as he can at the moment and knocks him out.

Izu~Chan then gets the idea of summoning Kōkai again to try and find Bakugo, but I had to tell him that I need to rest a bit to do it again since I've used quite a lot of power. We then split up and go looking for Bakugo.

Hope you enjoyed!
Sorry for the short chapter. I've realised I've been slacking on writing the chapters and uploading them. I'm sorry and I'll try to be better.
Have a good day/night!

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