•chapter thirteen•

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I didn't leave the bunker for two months. Two whole months.
Just because of my 'safety'.
Apparently I'm not safe in the outside world because onyx can get me out there.

In the book that Gabriel gave to my father were some sigils that would serve as a warding against Onyx.

Sam, Dean, Cas and Jack painted said sigils in the walls of the bunker to prevent onyx from getting in.

I spent those two months doing research to find Onyx's weakness. So far the only weakness we've found is light. As long as the lights are on, it can't get to us.

After a whole week of convincing, Dad finally let me come with them on a hunt.

As I took the first step outside,I inhaled deeply and said "fresh air. you have no idea how much I've missed you."

Uncle Sam chuckled but my dad looked as serious as ever.

Ever since I told them about onyx and Julie he's been serious. I know he's worried about me but come on. I need to go outside at least once.

His argument when I asked him to go outside?

'me and your uncle once hunted a girl who hadn't gone outside her whole life and she still was human.....kinda. You can last a month without being outside.'

The hunt was simple, just a vampire. I might have stayed in the motel most of the time but at least I was outside right?

As we were driving back to the bunker nobody was staying a word. my would we me and dad are mad at eachother and uncle Sam has to deal with it.

I caught a glimpse of someone through the rear view mirror.

It looked like Julie.

Then the car flips over.

And everything goes black.

I'm awoken five minutes later when I feel something grab my arm.


She has an evil smirk on her face as she pulls me out of the car.

I feel the arm she pulled become ice cold. And when I look over at it I see it's all turning black.

I close my eyes for just a second and when I open them I see that everything around me has become black.

I realize then that I'm possessed.

possessed by Onyx.

I see Julie's lifeless body on the floor next to me.

I feel myself grin. I try to stop myself but I can't.

I can't move my own body.

I look at the impala, it looks like it's gonna explode any second now. and my family. the only thing I have is inside.

I feel myself snap and suddenly everyone is at the bunker. Tied up completely unable to move.

"what the- Luz? what's going on?" My dad asks upon waking up and seeing me.

"Luz's not in the building at the moment" I hear myself say as my skin once again becomes pitch black.

"Onyx" Sam says

"ding, ding, ding we have a winner ladies and gents" I say and smirk.

"let him go. do whatever you want to me but for god's sake let them go." I tell onyx

shut it Luz.

"what do you want" Castiel says harshly. He has been looking for Jack ever since the nephilim left and yet he still hasn't found him.

"to kill, all of you" Onyx says and smirks "I think I'll have a little fun first" it grabs an angel blade and cuts Cas's neck.
It takes out a small bottle and the angels grace goes inside.

"now, you're human" then it grabs a blowtorch.

It turns it on and slowly begins to burn my family, first their hands, then their feet.

Onyx takes out a knife and begins to cut their skin.


no I don't think I will.

I see those words appear Infront of my eyes like a screen.

I look around and I see more words. terrible words.

I try my best to drown out my family's screams as I read those words.

Then I see it.

weakness: the death of the vessel while possessing it.

that it. that's how I can kill Onyx. by killing myself.

A small price to pay to save the world.

I try my hardest to take control. Again and again.

Finally, I can control my own body.


I wince as I hear Onyx scream.

"guys it's me. I took control again. I know how to beat Onyx."

"you did? what is it?"

"I need to kill myself. because then onyx will die too."

"no. no. no. no. no. No way I'm letting you kill yourself." My dad says and I start to tear up.

"I have to dad"

"no. there's gotta be some other way." he says and starts to tear up to

"there isn't. I'm sorry dad but I have to do it.' I grab a knife ' i have to"

"no. Luz please." I clutch the knife tighter in my hands "please."

"I'm sorry. I love you dad." I say and then I stab myself right in the heart.

"NO" I hear him say as slowly everything around me starts to fade and I'm overcome by darkness.



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