1. The Backyard

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Monday after summer holiday, 5 AM


"Give me 5 minutes"-Yoora



She throw a pillow to him

"Okay okay, calm down, I'll get out. DON'T GO TO SLEEP AGAIN!"-Minho

"Yea yea whatever"-Yoora

Yoora get going to bath and get ready, after that she get down and see her brother preparing a breakfast.

Their parents passed away a month ago because a car crash


Minho just hummed as the answer

~after breakfast~

"Let's go"-Minho

"Wait let me tied up my shoes"-Yoora


"Okay lets go"-Yoora

They go to garage and go to school together by motorcycle.

~at the school~

"See you later"-Minho


Both of them go separately to their class.

~At Yoora's class~


Yoora's best friend, Mira, Yelling making the whole class looking at her

"Sorry everyone, i'm too excited"-Mira

Yoora walked to Mira and Yeonjun.

"Hey guys"-Yoora

Yoora sitted beside Mira.

Soon as she sitted down

I love myself, nan mweonga dalla dalla yeah~~Ring ring ring

The bell rang.

Mrs. Park come in and start the lessons.few moments later Yoora look out the window and see a boy using the same uniform as her at the backyard alone. Yoora can't take her eyes off because he was so handsome.

she wondering why he was there in the middle of the lessons hour, even though there are gardener and the teacher who was looking around if there was students who skipped class, he just walked pass the boy, then that boy looking at Yoora's direction and he look surprised.
Suddenly Mrs. Park shouting at Yoora

"Hey Yoora, what are you looking at?"




She walked out the class lazily, while her classmates laughing at her.

"Shut up or you want to accompany her to out"

~break time~

Yoora back to her class and looking at the backyard again. That boy was still there.

"Hey, do you want go to the cafetaria with us?"-yeonjun


"Want us to bring you something?"-Mira


"Okay, see you later girl"-Mira


Yoora's curiosity bring her go to the backyard and come to the boy.

"Hey!" She called him

"You can see me?"-the boy

"Of course. Why not?"

"I'm not same as you" he looked down

Yoora follow where he looking at and stepped back

"You are a ghost?"-Yoora

"Yeah"-the boy

"But, why you are here? And who are you?"-Yoora

"I'm Kang Yeosang, i can't tell you here"-the


"Meet me after school at the rooftop"-Yeosang

"Okay, see you, i guess"-Yoora

"Yea, go back to your class, the bell will ring soon"-Yeosang


Yoora didn't scared of him, because her curiosity was overwhelming her now.

She quickly go to her class after that.

~at the hallway~

"Hey! Where are you going?"-Yeonjun

Yeonjun and Mira come to her

"Eoh, i just walking around"-Yoora

"You are not usually walking around?"-Mira

"If i tell you guys you would not believe me thought."-Yoora

"Oh, come on tell us"-Yeonjun

"Fine, but not here."-Yoora

Three of them go to the class

To be continued

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2020 ⏰

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