Attack of the Ogres

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You're wearing the same clothes as Rimuru, albeit a bigger sizer to fit you.

(YN): Our development of our village continued to progress. Kaijin and the three Dwarf brothers, Garm, Dord, and Myrd, made clothing and tools and built more homes, while Goblin Lords under Rigurd worked on a system for ruling the village. Everything's going great! Even without our orders, everyone's doing their job. Makes it easier for us! Besides, Rimuru has something to show me.

I head over our shared hut.

(YN): Good. No one's around.

I head inside where I see Rimuru spit out Shizu's mask.

Rimuru: There, all fixed.

(YN): Looks as if it was never cracked.

Rimuru: It does.

He sets the mask against a support beam.

Rimuru: Shizu-san, we'll take good care of these keepsakes for you.

I quickly wipe away the small tear that fell down my face before Rimuru could see.

(YN): Anyway, you said you needed my help with your human form?

Rimuru: I did. Transform!

He turns into his naked human form. I instanly avert my eyes to the wall, though I could still see him out of my peripheral vision.

(YN): Dude, seriously. I know you have to be in human form, but you could've at least had some clothes on beforehand.

Rimuru: This Mimicry works really smoothly. An actually human body... Feels great to have have this.

(YN): How's your sight and hearing in that form? Better or about the same?

Rimuru: I don't know. Why don't we find out? Ara Ara~.

(YN): Huh?! Wha?!

My face becomes red which made Rimuru laugh.

Rimuru: Oh, man! You should see your face right now! You're as red as a tomato right now!

(YN): Just answer my question!

He stops his laugh fit.

Rimuru: I think I could see and hear things better as a slime. Because of Magic Sense?

(YN): Anyway, on to the important thing. Can you use the Body Double skill I showed you?

Rimuru: Yeah, I'm about to try it out. Body Double!

A blast of black mist shoots from him hand and transforms into a naked doppelganger of Rimuru.

(YN): You definitely learned it without a problem.

Rimuru: I see... It does look like Shizu-san. No trace at all of how I look when I was alive. What a beautiful... boy? Girl? Well, I don't need to know what sex my body is when in human form, right? But since I didn't actually check to be sure...

He covers his eyes while peeking through his fingers. He falls to the floor.

Rimuru: My son didn't make it! I seem rather androgynous... In fact, I have no gender at all! I'm sexless!

(YN): A genderless trap.

He puts his clothes on.

Rimuru: Well, I guess I had no gender as a slime, anyway.

He absorbs his double.

Rimuru: Wait... Now that I think about it, when I took human form earlier, there wasn't any black mist...

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