Survival: Asya Daimon

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Asya was used to the jarring feeling of a transport and was skilled at gathering her bearings almost instantaneously after the transport. However, she always expected the transport to happen, and now, caught by surprise, she remained dazed for a couple extra seconds as her eyes focused on control room and the stunned R.A.S. Agents staring at her.

Asya felt someone shift behind her. She glanced back to see a tense Kaz, poised for confrontation. She slowly grabbed hold of his wrist, squeezing it to tell him to relax.

It was only when Asya saw Benny did the pieces of the puzzle fall into place. There was no way the Island would have authorized the transport, especially not with so many life signs on the ship. But as she saw two agents force Benny from a seat behind a computer and hold his arms behind his back, Asya understood. Somehow, Benny had gotten to the computer and gotten her and Kaz out.

In a way, Asya was impressed. That accurate of an extraction transport was difficult. Based on a lack of pirates in the control room, Benny was clearly skilled.

Her awe did not last long, however. As agents held Benny, more came for her and Kaz. She slowly raised her hands and shot a look over her shoulder, ordering Kaz to do the same. He looked mutinous, but followed her example.

"Agent Daimon." One of Asya's supervisors, Agent Yarden Zesiro, approached her and Kaz, flanked by two other agents. He looked livid.

Asya shifted slightly but did not back up as Yarden Zesiro approached and defiantly met his gaze.

"I expect you have a suitable explanation for all of this." Yarden Zesiro's gaze rested on her and Kaz before not so subtly turned his head to inspect Benny.

Asya raised her chin in defiance. She and Yarden Zesiro had never gotten along. Most R.A.S. Agents feared him. Asya's theorized that her lack of fear irritated him into hating her. She got immense pride from that fact. "Yes, I do," she responded stoutly. Asya felt Kaz stir slightly behind her.

No, Island Command would not approve of her excuse. But Asya knew she did what was right. And besides, there was no changing anything now.

Yarden Zesiro let out a disapproving sigh. "Agent Daimon, please come with me. Mr. Caseo and Mr.–?" he looked at Kaz expectantly.

"Kaz Stone."

Asya was impressed by how steady his voice was.

"Mr. Caseo, Mr. Stone, you will be escorted back to your holding cell."

Asya saw Benny nod at Kaz. His hands were up as well and appeared perfectly calm.

"Good luck," Kaz whispered in Asya's ear as he walked past her toward Benny and the two agents.

Asya felt grateful for the sentiment, but knew luck would do nothing to help her. She followed Yarden Zesiro out of the control room and deeper into the interior of the Island. Here, R.A.S. Agents not responsible for perimeter defense worked in various positions such as communicating with cities, running the technical parts of the Island, and doing paperwork. Asya didn't actually know what paperwork the agents did, but they always seemed to have a lot of it.

Unfortunately, Yarden Zesiro was not taking Asya on a field trip to the communications department. The interior of the Island also held the meeting rooms for Island command. With how long she and Kaz were stuck on the ship, Asya dreaded to think who was waiting to question her.

Entering the command room, Asya's insides froze. The sight of three people confirmed her suspicions.

Commander Kaiden Reaver: the commander for Islands 90-99. He was the highest ranking R.A.S. Agent in their sector of space.

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