Our Villager

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•Lee Jaeyun [Jaeyun]•

++The Villager of The Villagers (polik semacam ayat aku kalini)
^^The Leader

12th August 2000

•Choi Chihoon [Chihoon]•

++The Villager of Wood
^^Can make weapons from woods

27th April 1999

•Song Donggeon [Donggeon]•

++The Villager of Earth
^^Can make a protective land

15th July 1999

•Cho Chanhyuk [Chan]• #suamisejatiakujugakni

++The Villager of Fire
^^Can fight with other people just only with his fire hand

8th December 1999

•Choi Jisu [Jisu]•

++The Villager of Water
^^Can make big wave in max level

19th January 2000

•Kim Minsu [Minsu]•

++The Villager of Earth
^^Can control the weather

20th March 2000

•Kim Jeyou [J.You]•

++The Villager of Wood
^^Can make the wood became soft or hard

2nd November 2000

•Jang Kyungho [Kyungho]•

++The Villager of Fire
^^Can make fire ball with his bare hand

7th May 2001

•Oh Sungmin [Jerome]•

++The Villager of Metal
^^Can make weapons using the metal

25th August 2001

•Cha Woongi [Woongi]•

++The Villager of Water
++Can stand on water without drowned with his bare feet

23rd April 2002

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