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Shane and I are sitting on a bench in the train station, it's mostly emptied out and there are just a few stragglers hanging around for the next train like us.

"This remind you of anything?" Shane asks, I nod,

"Yeah when we ran through the airport to catch our flight on Christmas and missed that too," I reply he laughs and nods.

"Still not one of the best things that's ever happened to you?" He asks, I smile.

"Cause it's one of the best things that's happened to me," he says, winking at me. I laugh, but I can feel my heart flutter at the sentiment.

"It's up there," I say, he smiles and nods. I lean my head on his shoulder. I don't expect him to but he takes my hand, holding it gently and we just sit there for a moment. My heart is beating quickly and I find myself wondering just how long Shane and I will dance along this line of just barely platonic affection, and whether or not we'll ever step over it.

"We're gonna get home so late," shane says, checking his watch on his freehand without letting go of mine. I nod,

"And we're going to the tombs tomorrow, that's gonna be another late night," I groan. We sit in silence for a couple minutes and then shane stands up, pulling me with him without dropping my hand.

"You know what, I don't feel like sitting around for 45 minutes, there's one last thing in Brighton that i wanted to do," he says, i quirk my eyebrows,

"And what's that," I ask, he smiles and starts leading me out of the station without a word. We walk back down the streets of Brighton, Shane leading me the whole time, and all the while I'm asking where we're going and Shane is refusing to respond. We end up all the way back at the pier,

"Shane-" I start, he shakes his head,

"Come on," he just says and we walk to the end of the pier where the rides are. They're spinning and lighting up all around us and the music and laughter builds on the sounds of crashing waves beneath the pier.

"Wait here!" He says, dropping my hand and rushing to a ticket booth. I glance down at my phone to check the time, we only have about 30 minutes until our train comes. Shane returns and holds up two ride tickets, I laugh.

"Shane I swear-" I start

"Teacups! Teacups!" He chants, grabbing my hand again and leading me towards the ride, meanwhile I'm laughing the whole time.

"You're an idiot!" I say, as we climb onto the ride, he smiles,

"But I'm your favorite idiot!" He replies, I just shake my head and smile inspite of myself.

Shane wasn't lying when he said he could whip the wheel at the speed of light, by the time the ride is over I feel like we might have traveled into another dimension based off how fast we had spun it. We're both laughing and catching our breath as the ride comes to a stop,

"Worth it?" I ask, he nods,

"I'd miss a train with you any day, especially for the teacups!" He jokes, we climb off the ride and I check the time again.

"Shit Shane, 20 minutes, it's gonna take us at least 15 to get back!" I say, considering it took us almost 15 minutes to get here. He laughs,

"We got this, we're basically pros at this point!"

"Pros at missing our rides not catching them!" I reply and he laughs again.

"Alright alright!" He says, I turn and start back towards the entrance to the pier but Shane's hand wraps around mine and he pulls me back, the lights of the pier blur in my peripheral as i turn to face him.

"There's just one last thing I wanted to do!" He says, I roll my eyes,

"Shane we don't have time-" I start, but I'm interrupted by his lips meeting mine. It's a quick, soft kiss, almost a peck, and it's over before I even realize it's happened. I stand in shock for a moment, shane smiles and then looks at his watch,

"Woah! Let's go!!" He says when he sees the time, "come on we don't have time to stand around Soph we've got a train to catch!" He says, smiling at me and acting as if nothing has happened. I don't even know how to act, he laughs and pulls my hand leading me back towards the shore.

We end up running through town, sprinting over the brick lined streets and past the cozy little shops with their windows all lit up. We make it just in time, jumping onto the train just before the doors shut behind us. Shane leads me down the aisle as we search for two empty seats. We finally find a pair and I climb into the window seat and Shane sits beside me.

"Worth it?" He asks, mimicking my question earlier. I smirk,

"Just barely," I say winking at him. He laughs and shakes his head. I lean my head on his shoulder, I almost want to say something, mention what just happened. But I'm scared to ruin the moment, to ruin what's been an amazing night with too many question that I don't think either of us are ready to answer. I feel shane lean his head on mine and I smile. After a little while I fall asleep to the feeling of Shane's shoulder rising and falling as he breaths and the sound of the train rushing along its track.

** well it finally happened!! I'd love to know what you guys thought of the first kiss lol, i hope I did it justice and it was sufficiently cute!

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