Chapter Thirty Three

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Dream turned to Killer as the latter walked into his room.

The golden skeleton was bedridden after his skirmish with Nightmare- although he was healing much faster than the other was. Maybe something to do with the potion's effects was slowing down Nightmare's recovery...?

"How is my brother doing, Killer?" Dream's voice was rasping and quiet.

The tarry-eyed skeleton sat down on the edge of Dream's bed. "Well. He's himself again. Finally."

Dream exhaled deeply in relief. "I was so worried..." he frowned at the covers tucked over his lap, scratching at his arm. "I'm not in the best of conditions, either."

The Guardian had a magic-alloyed cast over his entire chest, protecting his shattered ribs and fragile Soul. He was practically covered in bandages, and a Doctor!tale Sans had been called in to make sure nothing happened that would endanger the other. He came in to check on Dream every few hours.

But his wounds would heal. The physical ones for sure, and probably much sooner than the mental scars. So would Nightmare's injuries, with enough time.

"Have you asked Blue to talk with the Council yet? About... everything that happened recently, and the truth about you guys and Nightmare?" Dream queried.

Killer jolted out of his reverie. "Yes, and Blue's already contacted them, but they're very skeptical. You put our image out there as a vision of destruction and death- it will take time for them, or anyone in the Multiverse, really, to learn to tolorate any of us, let alone welcome us into their homes."

Dream hung his head. "...I'm sorry."

"What for?" Killer turned his head to look at the ceiling, leaning back in the chair he had pulled over to the side of the bed so he could sit next to Dream.

The latter gestured vaguely. "I don't know. All of this stupid mess, I guess. I should have- I don't know, I should have done something!"

The Guardian closed his eyes, pained.
"I should have seen through his lies. He was so- so obvious, in hindsight! But all I could see was my best friend, and now all of this is going on and Ink- h-he's gone," he said quietly.

Dream wiped at his eyes with the back of his hand. "I- I'm so sorry, Killer, I don't know what's happening... it's all so sudden and I just feel... I don't even know how I'm feeling right now..."

Killer reached over, placing a hand on Dream's shoulder gently. Forever-dripping eyesockets met Dream's watery eyes.
"It's okay to be sad, Dream. It's alright to not be alright, especially after everything we just went through. Night's back to normal- or sort of normal..." Killer looked down at the floor, cursing softly. "Nothing is normal anymore."

Dream frowned, tears half-forgotten at the thought of what Killer had just implied.
"...What's wrong with Nighty?"

"What isn't wrong?" Killer sighed worriedly. "Dad blames himself for everything that happened. He thinks of us like we're his kids, and right now, he hates himself for trying to hurt us."

"Wait wait wait." Dream stopped Killer mid-thought. "Nightmare thinks of all of you as his kids?"

Killer nodded. "Basically as his angsty teenage boys, yeah. Except for Error. He and Nightmare were engaged before all of this happened... now nobody knows what's really going to happen next," he explained.

Dream froze, tears forgotten. "Nighty was ENGAGED?"

"Yeah, with engagement rings and everything. Although Nightmare lost his somehow. It's... probably best if we don't ask him where it might be at the moment," Killer confessed. "Honestly, it'll probably still go on eventually. The wedding, I mean. Error and Dad were meant for each other, you know? Soulmates and all that."

"Oh my stars, I've always wanted to plan a wedding!" Dream gasped, eyelights finally beginning to shine again. "I wonder what kind of cake they'd like-"

"Chocolate," Killer said with a chuckle. "One half dark, one half sweet. Everyone in the family loves chocolate, Error and Cross especially."

"What about dresses- would Error want to wear one, or-"

"Probably just a nice suit," Killer said thoughtfully. "Error never did like being out and about in dresses much."

"There's so much to do once everything starts getting back to normal," Dream said with a yawn, tiredness evident in his voice. "Everything is gonna be so different..."

"First a nap, then maybe-possibly-wedding plans," Killer said, gently pulling the covers back onto Dream's body up to his chin. "You need to heal up."

Dream pouted, but it was obvious he was having a hard time keeping his eyes open. "Fine," he relented sleepily, "But later I wanna make plans...."

Killer chuckled softly, getting up out of his chair to turn off the lights before leaving the room. "G'night, Dream."


In the living room, Killer collapsed on the couch. He was exhausted after a few days taking care of things and striving to be the responsible one. Making sure the house got cleaned, chores were done, food was made, the kitchen wasn't destroyed, that nobody died....

Stars, how did Nightmare do this every day...? And find time to work, and eat, and slee-


Now that he thought about it, Nightmare really didn't sleep a lot. If at all. He worked at night, and took care of his family during the day. No wonder he always looked so tired... just because he didn't need to sleep to live didn't mean that it was good for him.

Well, now Nighty could get plenty of rest. Killer could take care of the gang for a few weeks. Error was recovering nicely, and he would be able to help in a day or two with Blueberry's healing magic. It was highly superior to any off the other gang members, with the exception of Nightmare, a fact that made Killer equal parts impressed and jealous.

He just had to make it a few more weeks. Get Nightmare back to normal. Get Dream back to normal. Repair the ancient twins' relationship as brothers again. Get the wedding plans made....

It was going to be rough, but now that they had Nighty back, everything seemed so much more straightforward. Anything could be done with enough hard work and help.

But first.... Killer desperately needed a nap.

A crash sounded out from across the house, and Killer groaned, sitting up far too fast and almost collapsing again.

He tried once more, being careful this time, and rushed out of the room to pinpoint the noise of destruction and preform damage control.

"I SWEAR, BLUE, IF YOU BROKE ANOTHER PLATE TRYING TO CARRY TOO MANY AT ONCE, I WILL REARRANGE YOUR RIBCAGE!!" Killer roared, trying to sound intimidating as he dashed across the hallway.

"NYEHH!! I LIKE MY RIBCAGE JUST FINE AS IT IS, THANK YOU!!" Blue yelled back, and Killer sped up, grumbling.


The family came first. Then the much-needed nap.

Killer couldn't recall when Dream and Blue had started becoming associated with the rest of his family in his mind, but....

...He wasn't going to complain.

Except maybe when the broken plate was his favorite whittled wooden plate. How do you even break a wooden plate?!




wow haha it's been awhile sorry about that 

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