Chapter 1: Twin Arches is Mine!

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Ah, a new house in the Alik'r Desert; my homeland.  Fahvi thought excitedly as he approached the door to his new house in Bangkorai.
Fahvi Ah'tar is a dark skinned Redguard man, age 25.  His light brown hair is tied back to keep out of his face.  He has well-defined facial features and soft, brown eyes.  He has very little armor on his chest: one, to show off his amazing blue-green dragon tattoo that covers his entire upper body, and two, to show off his thick, muscular arms and pecs.
He had just recently purchased the Twin Arches house for 25,000 gold, which is quite a lot for a new adventurer such as himself.  The smooth sandstone building was surrounded by many of the desert flora he had grown accustomed to.  This house felt like home to him.
Fahvi grabbed the door handle and flung the door open, almost tearing it off of its hinges.  With his eyes closed, he happily thought, Finally!  A place all to my-  "Uh..  Please be careful with the door."  -Self?  He abruptly opened his eyes, and there stood another person: a short, female Dark Elf with long, straight, reddish-purple hair and piercing red eyes.  There is a pretty red flower resting in front of her pointed ears.  She is clad in decorative golden armor which reveals a bit of her dark gray body tattoos that almost look as if there were a bunch of small flames dancing on her body.  She had a confused expression on her face.
"Well, I wasn't expecting there to be entertainment on my first night here~"  Fahvi flirtatiously commented then continued.  "Just kidding, I only play with swords."  He then winked playfully.
The Dark Elf casually drew her sword.  "So, like this?"  She slightly swings it back and forth then points it in Fahvi's direction.
"Not quite."  Fahvi laughed at her attempt to understand.  The Dark Elf stared blankly at him for a second before realizing what he had meant then very quickly brought her empty hand to her face in shame.  She quickly returned her sword to its hilt.
"Anyways, who are you, and what are you doing in my new house?"  Fahvi had asked the question on the mind of the other person who stood in that sandstone building with him.
"Hello, I'm Kyress Aldresi.  It's very nice to meet you.  A white Khajiit offered me a house here, so I took advantage of the offer.  I wasn't quite expecting to see another person here though."  The Dark Elf responded maturely.
"I'm Fahvi Ah'tar!  I think we somehow ran into the same white Khajiit.  If it's the one I'm thinking of, he and I had-"
"I don't think I want to know."  Kyress chuckled a bit, cutting Fahvi off before he could finish what he wanted to say.
"Did you manage to catch his name?  He never told me what it was."  Fahvi asked with a tone of interest in his voice.
"Something along the lines of Dar'Kath?  At least, I think.  In all seriousness though, we should figure out what's going on here.  As much as I don't mind the company, I did still pay full price for the house, and I'm sure you did too."
Fahvi sighed.  "Yeahhhhh...  25,000 gold is a LOT for a new adventurer."
"You only paid 25,000 gold?  I had to pay the full price of 73,000 gold.  I sense a bit of unfairness here..."  Kyress folded her arms in thought.  She was feeling slightly annoyed by the favoritism that was shown by this Khajiit towards the Redguard man that stood in front of her.  I wonder why he got to pay less.
"Wait, you mean that 25,000 gold was a discount?!  It still left me broke!"  Fahvi exclaimed, feeling sorry for the Dark Elf who had paid almost three times the amount he had to pay.
"Either way, we shouldn't have trusted a Khajiit salesperson; look where it got us.  Combined, we paid more than the house is actually worth.  Everyone knows how Khajiit are smooth with their words and can trick anyone into buying their wares.  I guess we'll be careful with who we buy from from this point onward."  Kyress noted.  Fahvi nodded in response.
They stood in awkward silence for a couple of moments, just staring at the other person in the room.  Fahvi felt that it had gotten a little too awkward, so he quickly looked around the room, trying to come up with something to talk about.  "Uh..  The room is...  Naked?" was the best he could come up with.
Kyress gave him a weird look, but laughed at his comment nonetheless.  "I guess it is looking a little bare.  I was about to put up some decorations before you had stepped in."
From her small bag, Kyress pulled out a giant framed picture, depicting a Nordic wooden wayshrine that stood next to a stone path, with fall foliage in the background.  This was a typical scene in the Rift.  She lifted the giant painting up and aimlessly hung it on the wall.
Fahvi, who was standing back, chuckled at her poor decorating skills.  She had hung the painting diagonally.  "Oh come on, that's not even hung up straight!"  And that's coming from the gay one who doesn't know what being straight is.
Kyress sighed.  "I'm just struggling a little bit; that's all.  Would you mind helping instead of just standing there laughing?"
Fahvi went over and straightened the painting for her.  She smiled.
"I've got more stuff to put around the room if you want to decorate some more?"
"Yeah, I might as well help.  It's a little too late to be going out to search for a Khajiit when we don't even know where he could be."
"Shall we set up bedrolls for when we get tired?"  Kyress began digging in her bag some more and pulled out two thick blankets to lay down as bedding, followed by two smaller ones.  She then removed some pillows and added them to the pile of softness.
"How the flip does all of that fit in that small bag?  I'm a master of fitting giant things in tight spaces, but this is just beyond me."  Fahvi made more of his jokes.  And as before, Kyress didn't understand what he actually meant.
"Next time, if you'd like, you can help me pack my bags for a big trip then!"
Fahvi desperately wanted to smack his face.  "Heh.  Not what I meant, but sure!  I'll try my best to help out."
Kyress politely smiled at him and went back to work.

Unknown to the busy Dark Elf and Redguard within the building, there was an angry Orc just outside, sneering at them through the window. This Orc, named Gorthe Uthreb, is intersex, meaning they have both masculine and feminine parts. However, Gorthe has more of a masculine appearance than feminine. Their skin is a deathly pale white with the exception of the orangish-red color around their eyes, and they have gleaming orange eyes; the typical signs of a vampire. The sides of Gorthe's head are shaved clean, with only the strip of black hair that runs right down the center of their head remaining. This is covered by their black hooded robes that are decorated with blood red linings. Gorthe's bottom lip has a couple of piercings.
What was that stupid cat thinking? Malacath, show him no mercy, and Molag Bal, enslave his soul after death. The Orc was silently cursing the white Khajiit, who they had also bought this exact house from, for many reasons. Gorthe only knew that they needed answers.
Gorthe slipped back into the shadows created by the rocky wall behind the house and crept off, ensuring that no one saw that they were there.

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