Extra 1: That Stew

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By the time the sun had gone down, the four members of the household were sitting around the small square table that Kyress had brought. This table only has room for two people at most, but they managed to fit everyone around it. The reason for the small table? Kyress wasn't expecting another person to be living there, let alone three others.
Dar'Kath, who's seat was reserved between Kyress and Gorthe, was standing around the cooking fire making some stew for the group.
"I guess we'll have to look for some ingredients for cooking while we're out on adventures. Luckily, we have a city nearby to take care of anything that we may need, including our banking situation." Kyress pointed out.
"You're such a mommmm." Fahvi joked, still slightly under the influence from all of the alcohol that he had consumed earlier in the day.
"I'm sorry that I'm looking out for the people here. If you'd like, you can take on those responsibilities. I'm assuming you are an adult, so you'd have to do that at some point." Kyress retorted.
"Dar'Kathhhh, mom is meannnn. She's gonna make me adult."
"Don't worry, this one shall protect you and assist any way this one can." Dar'Kath responded.
Unknown to the people sitting around the table, Dar'Kath was busy dumping a lot of moon sugar into his stew that he had originally acquired for trading. He quickly stirred in the new sweetness and did a quick taste test. Mmmm, tastes like home! Dar'Kath happily hummed. "Alright! This one has finished dinner!"
Dar'Kath brought the finished pot of stew over to the table. He set it down carefully between all of the mismatched bowls that had been carefully set around the table by Kyress. "This one hopes you enjoy this one's specialty!"
Fahvi happily grabbed the wooden ladle that was in the pot of stew and scooped some of the hot food into his bowl. It was still releasing steam, so he waited a bit before taking a bite.
Gorthe had never sat down around a table with other people to eat before, so the Orc had no idea what table manners were. Gorthe, using the spoon also provided by Kyress, scooped some of the hot liquid of the stew out from the centrally located pot and slurped it down, making as much noise as possible. This earned Gorthe a weird look from everyone sitting around the table.
"I'm going to learn. How to cook." Gorthe declared.
The Khajiit pretended to be offended by the Orc's bluntness. He playfully gasped and quickly placed his hand over his chest. "How could you say such a thing to your father?"
"Too sweet."
At Gorthe's comment, Kyress looked at the stew in the pot with a concerned expression.  "Dar'Kath... What did you put in the stew?"
"Some red meat, carrots, potatoes, moon sugar. Lots of moon sugar." He began drooling at the mention of moon sugar.
"You put moon sugar into a stew? That's too sweet for a stew! And it has a slight side effect on the mind and body too!" Kyress scolded.
"No! This one didn't mean for something like that to happen! It is a part of this one's culture to add moon sugar to everything that this one consumes. This one guesses that this one shall no longer put moon sugar in everyone's meal." Dar'Kath apologetically explains and then takes the entire pot of stew for himself.
Fahvi ignored the warning Kyress gave and began eating the stew in front of him anyways. "Hmmm.. It's a little sweet for my liking of stew, but otherwise, it's pretty good!"
"This one thanks you for enjoying the stew that this one slaved over to make."
Fahvi even asked for more servings of the stew. Given that this was assumably Fahvi's first time consuming anything with moon sugar, Kyress knew that this was going to be a long and interesting night for him. Meridia, guide him. She sighed.

Fahvi, who had somehow made it on top of the Twin Arches house, danced as if he were a drunken Nord. The light of the moon shone brightly all around him, illuminating his every move.  He turned to face the moon and got down on his knees and spread his arms out wide.  "Oh bright and glorious moon, please let the readers enjoy this story." And with that, Fahvi fell flat on his stomach and remained asleep for the rest of the night.
Kyress sighed. She had been silently watching over Fahvi to make sure nothing bad happened to him while he was in this state.
"Let's get you inside." She lifted him up over her shoulder and carried him off of the roof and into the building. And what's this about "readers?" This isn't a tome that you can just pick up off of a bookshelf and read.  This is our actual lives!  I knew that stuff was weird.
She carefully placed him on his thick blanket and tucked him in. He's a grown Redguard. Why am I doing this for him? She went over to her own blanket and finally laid down to sleep for the night.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2020 ⏰

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