Spiked drink

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Tanya mingled around a few of the men who were celebrating through alcohol and food in the bar before she was left sitting by herself with her plate of dinner.

For some apparent reason, she didn't mind coming along. She was, after all, invited by Weiss himself who was at that very time, was rather drunk.

Of course, the adults there made sure to take priority to their young superior that she doesn't get herself in any way possible to be able to consume any sort of alcohol.

She's still a minor after all.

"Hey, Major! Do you think we'll ever get a better break than this??"

One of the drunk men slurred out beside Tanya who was also getting held back by some other drunk men. Who would want the guy to die because he's drunk enough to get really close to the young child?

It made Tanya scoffed up an abrupt smirk though.

"Perhaps if you actually work better than before, you all might get a better vacation than this." She said while poking on the meat in front of her.

It surprises her that even when the food in front of her is at an average rate of being easy to consume, she felt a tad bored over it. Tasteless perhaps?

Something was just missing and she knew she might not eat well if she doesn't figure out what was missing.

Until somebody tapped her in the shoulder.

Tanya glanced over her shoulder to see who it was and she gave a quick smile when Visha smiled at her and greeted her with utmost politeness.

"How is the party, Captain?" Visha asked.

Tanya chuckled before saying, "same old, same old."

Visha meekly laughed as she took the empty seat beside Tanya.

"And how about you? How's this drunk party for you?" Tanya wondered after placing the fork down, completely ignoring the plate in front of her when she slid it aside and away from her.

Visha hummed before saying, "I suppose it's been great."

"What kind of answer is that, luitenant?" Tanya scoffed.

Visha perked up.

"W... Well, they've just been making me win bets on card games! That's all." She slurred, nervously laughing and smiling as she tried to understand the tension she had just dropped.

Tanya hummed, smiling as she nodded.

"It seems they really like how lucky you are." She pondered.

Visha frowned.

"But they also like you, Captain!" She said.

"How so??" Tanya chimed.

Visha was caught on her tongue. A little kitty got their tongue caught from surprise, oh dear.

Oh, how lucky she really was, right?

"Because you always keep us away from danger and have always kept us alive even on the battlefield. You made sure to give some priority while doing the missions too." She said.

Tanya smiled. It felt sweet for her personnel staff to actually say that to her.

"That's sweet of you, luitenant." She commented, making Visha blush slightly from the encouragement.

"But I believe you're only alive because of your persistence than the others." Tanya continued.

Visha raised a brow.

Tanya X Visha 5 ONESHOTS  (Youjo Senki/The Saga Of Tanya The Evil) FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now