Double Trouble

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“Rise and shine clone boy,” I say, snapping my fingers in front of the clones face. 

The clone looks up sleepily and then his face falls the second he realizes what’s going on. We’re in Finn’s hideout with the clone locked up in bindings not even a super could get out of. Finn is sitting on couch, looking at the clone with worried eyes, and back in a big hoodie and jeans instead of his superhero costume.

“I can’t believe you idiots beat me,” the clone groans, slamming his head back, “I feel horrible.” 

“It’s because your powers are temporarily out,” Finn explains before looking to me, “Something about the fight triggered my memory. Whatever is in those vials take away his powers for about an hour but they’ll be back.”

I raise an eyebrow. “So what you’re telling me is that right now he’s like a normal human? No super durability or anything?” 

Finn nods and I turn to the clone with a sinister grin before reeling back and punching him upside the jaw. My fist stings but it’s totally worth it to watch the clone gasp out in pain. 

“That’s for kidnapping me,” I say victoriously, “Now, its time for you to start talking or else I’ll hit you again. Or perhaps I can have Finn go fetch me something more painful like a baseball bat or a taser.” 

The clone narrows his eyes at me, “Finn might have super strength but you’re the scary one.” 

“Enough with the compliments, start talking.” 

“I really wish I could help sweetheart but ever since you injected that mystery serum into my arm my minds a little fuzzy. I can’t remember a thing before this morning.” 

I roll my eyes, “Yah right. Ain't that convenient for you." 

I'm about to take alternative measures but Finn speaks up.“I think he’s telling the truth.” 

I stop, taking a step back to look at Finn, “You do?” 

“I don’t want to, but I do. The same thing happened to me, remember? I woke up in an alleyway with no memories. Plus all his vitals signs are in check, he’s not lying.” 

“Wait. You have a built in lie detector and didn’t tell me? Thanks for the heads up pal,” I say before focusing on more important matters, “Well that sucks then. If the serum wiped his memory he’s no use to us!”

Finn turns to the clone, his face dark, “I need you tell me everything you remember or else I’ll sic Mack on you again.” 

The clone hesitates but finally he sighs, “All I remember is the strange urge to kill you, no offense. I don’t remember why or who told me to or anything else.” 

“Do you still want to kill me?” Finn asks. 

The clone shrugs, “Eh, probably if I had the chance.  You do have me locked up in your stupid hideout. Seriously, it smells in here man.” 

“Told you,” I chime to Finn. 

The clone keeps talking, “But to answer your question no. I don’t have the overwhelming, all consuming desire to kill you anymore. It’s like I was being mind controlled and somehow broke free.” 

Finn and I look to one another. 

Is it possible Genesis Labs have been controlling the monsters and the clone and somehow the serum stops the mind control? Is it possible that Finn was under their control before he broke free? Maybe that’s why he woke up without any memories. Maybe that’s why they want him back and are willing to destroy the entire town with monsters to do it. 

“I do remember one other thing. It came back to me as soon as I looked at her face,” the clone says, nodding my direction, “My name is Levi. Whenever I look at her my brain doesn’t feel as fuzzy.” 

Deja vu much? The same thing happened to Finn.

“Well at least I can stop calling you clone boy,” I grumble before grabbing Finn by the shirt and dragging him across the room where Levi won’t hear, “What do we do now?” 

He looks at me wide eyed, “You’re asking me? You’re the smart one.” 

“Why do I always have to be the one with the plan?”

“That’s how this works. You tell me what to do and I punch stuff.” 

I groan, looking from Finn to Levi. “Well I guess we have to keep him here until we figure out a better plan. You sure the restraints will hold when he gets his powers back.” 

Finn nods. “I got them from some factory out north and tested them myself. They’ll hold.” 

“Good because the only thing worse then an evil Super is a pissed off evil Super and something tells me Levi over there isn’t our biggest fan.” 

We both look to Levi who’s still pounding his head against the restraints. We now have a Super hostage. How are we supposed to get ourself out of this mess?

I collapse against the couch, feeling exhausted. The whole being kidnapped thing really takes a lot out of you. 

Finn plops down next to me. “I never apologized for what happened the other day. I’m sorry Mack, you know I’d never mean to hurt you.” 

“I know Finn,” I say, meeting his eyes, “I was mad but after everything that's happened it feels silly to hate you for something you didn't mean. And although I hate to admit it, I think you might have even cured my fear of heights. Just don’t do it again, kay?” 

“Don’t worry about that, you’re terrifying when you’re angry,” he laughs, leaning back into the couch and finally looking relaxed around me again, “We good?” 

“We’re good,” I nod, looking to Finn’s forehead where the cut has already started healing. What I wouldn’t give for super healing, my wrists still feels like I put it under a pile driver. “Are you good?” 

His hand reaches up to touch the wound, “I’ll be fine. It mine leave a scar though.” 

“Ooh tough luck. A scar is the telltale sign of the evil clone,” I tease, “Maybe you’re not the good one after all.”

He shrugs, “I just try my best.”
“That’s been good enough so far,” I say before getting serious, “Levi was bleeding too, same black blood. I don’t know how to say it Finn but I don’t think Genesis Labs made you a Super, I think they made you altogether. All the monsters we’ve been fighting were made of the same stuff.”

“So you’re saying you think I was made in a test tube or something like that. That all the monsters we’ve been fighting were just less advanced versions of Levi and I?” he says quietly, “I’ve heard weirder things.” 

“Are you upset?” I ask, “I feel bad. I feel like we’ve barely made any progress towards uncovering the truth of Genesis Labs.” 

“I’m not upset,” he says with a slight smile, “It might sound crazy but part of me doesn’t want to know about my crazy past before I woke up without any memories. I don’t want to know why Genesis Labs created me or why they keep sending monsters or any of that. I’m here now and I’m happy. I have friends and a life and I even get to be  a superhero on the side. Things don’t get much better then that.” 

I smile at him but from the corner of my eye I spot Levi glaring at us and an unsettling feeling rises in my stomach. 

Things might be good right now but something tells me it won’t last for long. 

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