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Her arms constantly pumped back and forth as she ran into the deep darkness. The deep gravel-like noise of the blade sounded from behind her. Echoing down the halls and digging deep into her mind. Snaking around her. No escape from it. The walls seemed to constantly close in, narrowing as she ran along the halls. Until it was a dead end. Boarded up, boulders crashed down. She was trapped. The noise was too close now.

She turned around, pupils wide as she tried to see deep into the dark. She could see the dull shine along it's metal head, the lights swaying from side to side. It let out a garbled roar, the blade dragging directly behind it. She pushed herself up against the rubble, breathing erratic and heavy. "LEAVE ME ALONE!" she screamed out, crouching down and trying to make herself smaller. She was ready to feel herself be cut into pieces, feeling her life dwindle away.

Yet it never came. She crouched over, listening in the dark. All she could hear was raspy breathing. She slowly stood, watching the creature as it towered over her. "You aren't going to kill me?" she asked, pausing. After a short moment, she took a step closer, when the blade was jutted into her stomach. Her eyes widened as she brought her hand up to her cheek. She felt the warm blood gush from the wound. She went to let out a garbled scream, when the blade was brought up, her body split into two as it crumpled to the ground.

It let out a roar, huffing as it turned around, the blade leaving a trail of blood as it walked back through the maze. It walked through, snarling as a nurse walked in front of him. He growled, pushing it out of the way as it was pushed into a room, crumpling as it let out a noise. 

When would someone suitable arrive?

He grew tired of the nurses, watching as they strut around. They were a nuisance to him. Begging for something. Anything. They were putrid to him. He paused quickly, the sound of running feet echoing in the distance. It seemed as if was growing closer? He growled, pushing a Grey Child out of the way as he staggered on. It seemed like another hunt was to start.

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