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The footsteps were close. Much closer than they had been before. He gurgled, lifting his head to the air. It swung up, the weight quickly bringing it back down to a lowered angle. He turned down another hall, pausing. There she was, right in front of him. She struggled to pick a locked door. There was nowhere for her to run.


He took a step closer, his tall frame now towering over her. Blocking the hallway completely. Her head turned to see what the blockage was. Then the scream rang out. It echoed down the halls, ringing in her ears as she backed up. 

She's perfect.

She attempted to move back, further into the hall. Yet there was no more space left for her to run. He walked closer, his blade dragging behind him as he focused in on her. She fell to the floor, curled up in a ball. A last attempt to protect herself. She could feel him right in front of her. The hot breath that seemed to come from nowhere. He leaned down, his tall, seven foot frame struggling to even be lowered to her height. She whimpered, watching as his hand quickly move to the side of her face. He stroked it slowly, blood smearing on her face. Her heart raced as tears ran down her cheeks. Her she was. Finally in front of him.

The blade was dropped to the ground, the clank of it doing so was quite loud, ringing in her ears. He angled his head so the metal was next to her head, his hand making its way up to her hair. He slowly ran his hand through her hair. Soft. Just how he had thought it would be. He struggled to make these precise movements. He didn't dare to hurt her.

The others will want her.

A deep growl resonated from within him, his metal head pressing against hers. One jolt and she would be impaled on the front. She struggled to not shake, heart racing and tears running down her eyes. 

Keep her.

Of course he would. She was his now. He quickly stood up, grabbing her hand. With the other, he picked up his blade. He turned to look at her, snarling as he pulled her along. She tried to pull away, yet wasn't able to. Even with using almost all of her strength, it was no use. He let out a warped chuckle, pulling her deeper into the depths of the halls. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2020 ⏰

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