Ch 4. Lies.

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Like my fantasy Sho? I do!! I think I did fabulous!!!

(Y/n)’s POV

I stared at the door, fresh tears seeping from my eyes as it rocked shut. Shoto… I wiped my tears fiercely, rolling onto my side limply. Giving the bags he dropped in turn of holding me a longing gaze, I turned to my other side. "You’ve never been late, you’ve never been slow…" His words rang in my ears, and the feeling of his protective hold lingered on me, I wanted it back. Wrapping my arms around myself I let out the soft sputters as I felt the world falling from under me. Battling between knowing I have to be strong enough for us both and realizing I’m fighting for something that would never happen. Stop lying. Can’t you just be honest with people for once? The voices in my head hissed in sync and my hand flung over me to pat down the bed in search of my phone. Once my hand wrapped around the small device, my eyes scanned the cracked material, the aftermath of having it in my pocket while trying to escape the building. Lost in my thoughts while looking at the broken glass, my cries had toned down to hiccups. The door opened causing me to jump forcefully, hitting my head on the wall. “Fuck!” I cried, holding my head as I turned, eyes landing on an apologetic doctor and my worried parents. My hopeful eyes dulled once more as I sat up.

“We’re going to check your injury and rebandage you, showing your parents how to, then you’ll be free to go and enjoy the holidays!” The male spoke happily as he walked over to me, I sat up, swiveling around to face the group properly. While the doctor unbandaged my head my dad picked up the bags by the door.

“Who dropped these here for you?” My eyes watered as the sight of Shoto’s startled body as he made me his priority played in my head.

“Does this hurt?” I peeked up at the doctor, shaking my head.

“N-no...Uh…” I sniffled and gave my mom, who watched me while keeping an eye on the ‘how to’ process the doctor was demonstrating, a small smile. “Shoto did…” Flinching as my head was prodded at gently I heard the doctor give a quiet apology as he was most likely trying to see how bad it was now since they hadn’t shaved my head.

“You should-”

“I already said they should…” I grumbled before my mom could respond.

“It’s not bad enough that the hair would interrupt the healing process so it’s safe.” The doctor informed my mom causing me to roll my eyes, before landing on my dad’s grinning face.

“So, baby girl. These from Hatsume then?” I looked at the bags he pointed at. I nodded, a soft smile taking place as I recalled Iida carrying them as my best friend jumped on me, flipping everyone in my class off in the process.

“Yessiree!” I chirped, my mood lightening from the mention of the female. He laughed as he put the bags Shoto brought down.

“We’ll keep them separated, I wanna see what each of them got you.” I went to nod, but recalled the doctor wrapping my head back up, and sighed in defeat.

“Mei just loves showering you in gifts.. I didn’t expect Shoto to though.” I rubbed the back of my neck at my moms comment, standing when told I could.

“Check back in in a few days! Happy holidays.” I bowed to the doctor, muttering a thank you as I walked down the hall with my parents. My mom held both of the gas station bags in hand whilst dad carried the three store bags from Hatsu.

“Oh baby… What’s wrong?” I looked at my mom's hand that rested gently on my shoulder, turning my attention to her. My eyes watered again remembering the built up emotions I was latching onto. As my tears fell from my face silently I shook my head before walking out to the car, leaving them to take care of the hospital paperwork. I crawled into the back of the car, my hand gently holding my head where Shoto had left more than one kiss in the timeframe of a few hours. Why do you hate me? Why can’t you look at me? You’re giving me mixed signals dammit! They wouldn’t seem so mixed if you weren't’ such an impatient bitch. I cringed at the voice that hovered above my own thoughts. “Stop lying to everyone about how you’ll wait for him happily. It’s fucking breaking you so just be honest!” I sighed as Bakugo’s words from after school played in my head.

Overcoming Our Obstacles Shoto Todoroki x Reader YLE,MRA Book 2Where stories live. Discover now