Ch. 14 So This Is The True Pain Of A Soulmate

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OKAY GUYS!!! You know the drill! 🔥❄ means it's NSFW. This trigger warning is for major character injury! And graphic details of blood and pain! Be warned when going to read it!! Thank you all so much!
And if you'd like, go check out my art book where I drew Shoto from a moment in this chapter, as well as his POV of the reader(during the trigger warning part of the chapter) the reader is taken over as my oc. Thank you again for supporting me by reading!

Shoto's POV

I stood in the changing room, adjusting my belt. "Todoroki!" Looking over at Midoriya, I nodded in greeting. "What happened at lunch? You shut down for a moment after (L/n) joined us." I gulped and turned, planning to ignore him. Slipping my wrist bands on, Iida agreed, and I could feel some of the others watching us silently.
"Its.. nothing, okay? She just.. used my chopsticks, like an indirect kiss.." My face flushed and I cleared my throat. "I didn't have the heart to tell her, but yeah-" Iida laughed and I glared at him, fire dancing in my palm.
"That's kinda cute, in a weird way." I scowled at the two boys and turned on my heels, walking out. It really meant nothing. She didn't know. Or did she? Was she that content with eating after me? My face felt hotter with each thought and I patted my cheeks softly. Of course not, she still cuddled up to Hatsume… I thought about what was said when that big day happened right before Momo was taken.
"But it's okay to do that right? You can just sit and enjoy someone's company and not be romantically involved with them?" I inquired, head tilting. I caught her smile.
"I'd say you can, but people might think we're romantically involved… and if I were to ever get with you, I'd kill you for sitting like this with another female…." She went quiet and I couldn't hold in a small laugh.
"So, sitting like this is exclusive to you only, friend or more?" I replied, putting it in simple words, she snorted and smacked her thigh, causing me to blush.
"Damn right it is."
That day mixed with the events of Halloween. "Well Mei and I have held feelings for each other but we put them aside because we knew her soulmate and knew she wasn’t mine. Instead of breaking my bestest girl in the world, we decided that we’d be happy with just watching the other get theirs. And if our soulmates don’t work out. I’m marrying this bitch."
Well, which is it? Is our cuddling exclusive? Or are you still into Hatsume? My hand collided with my forehead with a light thud, and I looked down. Dealing with Denki’s antics had made me forget that I had another problem in the way, a problem I had had long before I even knew her. "So, did she like it?" Furrowing my brows, I looked down at Mineta.
"Like what?" I cocked a brow at him.
"Ya know~ The taste of your chopsticks in her mouth~" I couldn't stop the flames that spread from my left side viciously as my face flushed crimson. How inappropriate- that little- Snatching him up with my right hand before he could run off, I froze him.
"D-Don't you talk about her like that again. I swear if you do, you'll be sorry." Classmates had already started flooding into the room, and I dropped him, the ice shattering. "Leave my sight before you regret it." I huffed, flicking my head away from the others. Crossing my arms, I waited. You're gonna get in trouble~ The annoying little voice in my head told me. I don't care, he shouldn't have made her sound like some cheap whore. All worry I had over my possible relationship vanished as I silently fumed over the dwarfs words.
"-like your back-" My gaze shot over to (Y/n) as she made her way in, pausing at seeing us all gathered.
"Before we begin training today, I need a volunteer to give (L/n) a strand of hair." Aizawa spoke up and I went to step forward.
"M-mr Aizawa sensei…" Pausing, I looked at the beautiful girls concerned face. "Could we get someone with a not so major quirk? So if it goes astray, I'm not like… super hurt really fast? Or hurting anyone else?' I caught Aizawa's look and backed off. If it goes awry, she could burn or freeze everyone and neither of those would be wise.
"I don't know why you'd need it, but you can use mine!" Casting a look at Kiri as he walked over to her, I pondered. His quirk isn't dangerous, it's a defensive quirk. I couldn't see how that would go bad…
"That would be fine with you? (H/n)?" She nodded and I smiled.
"Thank you, Red Riot." As he handed her a strand of his hair, I opened my mouth.
"Can we go train now, sensei?" Iida called out, causing Aizawa to shake his head, directing everyone to stand behind him.
I stood off to the side, as close as I could to her, if anything happened, I wanted to get to her first.

"Come on, (H/n)." We locked eyes, her timid (e/c) hues begging my heterochromic ones for support. You got this, I'm right here. She nodded and I smiled, watching as she closed her eyes. The brightest light I had seen reflect off her filled the room, causing some of us to step back. The light died down and there in front of us stood Kirishima, down to the scar over his eye, but in (Y/n)'s hero costume. Her eyes opened and I felt proud, I knew she had been worried, but it seemed she was a natural at the details.
"Hey!" Kirishima's voice flooded the room and I smiled, waving back at her.
"Omg, Kirishima in skin tight shorts-"
"That's my boyfriend you're talking about!" Bakugo's angry voice toppled over the commenter.
"You look great as me!" I watched amazed, that looked like him, sounded like him, but you could still feel it, it was (Y/n) through and through.

"Ready? Do you feel more calmed like this?" At Aizawa's question I watched with bated breath as she took the redhead's starting stance. Time slowed as she activated his quirk, it looked effortless, but I couldn't admire or be proud of her leap from her comfort zone as sharp pains filled me from head to toe. I couldn't make a sound, falling into a kneeling position, my eyes wide and jaw slacked at the pain. The pain that wasn't even mine.
"Wow! She achieved my ultimate move first try!"
"She looks amazing!"
"How badass!"
"That's too strong." I could hear our classmates' comments loud and clear, almost too clear. My heart jumped in my throat as she let out the worst scream ever. Shrill and full of pain, pain I couldn't even see. I stared at her, my face scrunching up as I demanded myself to keep focused. She looked like Kirishima, there were no puncture wounds, no blood, nothing out of the ordinary, nor wrong. Moving seemed futile as my body felt like it was shutting down. But in a matter of slow, terribly slow, seconds, the facade of Kirishima's hardened body slipped off of her. I could hear the shatter of my heart as I watched the girl I loved fall to her knees, gashes and slices covering her head to toe, blood pouring from every crevice, her ears, her mouth. I reached out for her, unable to do much more than that.
"Aizawa sensei!! Do something!" Ochako's plea grounded me to the situation, keeping me from succumbing to the call in the back of my head to go to sleep, that it was just a bad nightmare. (Y/n) smiled through tears, and I could barely feel my own tears make their way through the flowers in my vision.
"I'm sorry guys…. I think I'm gonna nap now…." Her voice was weak and so loud. I could only watch as she fell face first into the blood that pooled around her.
And as fast as the pain had appeared, it vanished, my head and arm falling forward, resting on my knee, as I silently cried, unable to move still. Hearing the quick movement of feet on the ground, I weakly peeked up to see Aizawa picking up my soulmate, and running off with her. "I'm sorry guys…. I think I'm gonna nap now….".........."I'm sorry guys…. I think I'm gonna nap now…."...... Her broken voice repeated in my head as the flowers drifted underneath me. And as I heard our classmates finally process what just happened, I collapsed into the pile of dry, dead flowers. I clutched some in my hand, fetal positioned as I let out guttural sobs and screams. Her dead eyes, broken voice, and beyond repaired body playing over in my mind. I couldn't get them out. The flowers that taunted me from all sides of my vision, that laughed and mocked me for not understanding just what our soulmate link felt like. I couldn't get it out of my head, I couldn't. (Y/n) I couldn't save you… I couldn't protect you. I'm a failure. Please, you can't die… Crying harder, I tried jerking out of the arms that grabbed me.
"Shoto!! It's me, it's me." I opened my frantic eyes as Iida yelled at me. "She's okay, she's alright." As unsure as his voice sounded, I took broken hiccups and tried to listen to him.
"But… But she…" Letting go of the now dust in my hands to wrap my arms around his neck. I sobbed more.
"Listen, Shoto, it's (Y/n) we're talking about. Your soulmate. The girl who cared about you before you even knew her. She would spite hell to keep you safe." I barely caught his words as I was powered through the halls, kids jumping out of our way.
"Aizawa!!!" The shrill voice had me flinching and turning my head to see Aizawa being kicked from the nurses wing. "She needs a hospital!!! And fast!!! I can't do anything for that much blood loss!!" I watched with sore eyes as Recovery Girl and Aizawa had started running down the halls, Iida fast on their trail. "We need an ambulance-" I couldn't take it, exhausted from what just happened. Hopefully Iida is right… I thought, slipping into unconsciousness finally.

1676 words!!!

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