Ch. 17 Awake

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Shoto's POV

Every day, I found myself sitting on this damn chair. Uncomfortable, plastic bullshit that was seen as 'hospital safe'. The only time I could sleep was putting my head on her semi-bandaged hand, wishing for her to be able to run it through my hair. The only plus side was the fact she had started to heal enough that the bandaging had been brought down, and not as bulky as it had been prior, some places still wrapped more than others. It had been about 3 days, maybe even 4, my ability to comprehend time as I refused to sleep at the dorms, or even eat. Anger still simmered deep in my veins, but I couldn't see the way to express it, or even the people who would truly understand. "Shoto, as your friend, I am extremely worried. You need to eat!" I glared up at Iida.

"If you're so fucking worried about me, and not the one laying in the fucki- fine, get me something from the hospital's cafeteria or something." I huffed, Iida finally disappeared through the door and I laid my head back down, silent tears drifting down my face.
Pain slowly made it way through my body, worsening with each second. Looking up, I watched her face through the pain, gasping as her eyes opened. "(Y/n)!" I yelled, unsure of what to do. As she was in a moment of delirious from being unconscious, I left from the seat, running to the door. "She's awake!" I yelled into the hallway, and not waiting to see if I was listened to, I turned around and ran back to her bedside, my flower covered arms lightly holding her down. "Don't move, don't… don't move…" I whispered, looking at her confused face.

"...What… happened, Shoto?" Hearing her voice was like a breath of fresh air, my vision blurring as my eyes watered. As the doctor and nurses flooded into the room, I was forced out, walking through the halls, the flowers wrapping round my body, the pain thankfully not as painful as before. She's better, being unconscious let her heal… I reminded myself, collapsing in a seat in the cafeteria.

"Shoto, you came out to eat! Why are you covered in flowers? WaiT, SHES AWAKE!!" As Iida's voice roared to life, he sat the tray of food down in front of me, pulling out his phone to call what I assumed to be our peers. He energetically expressed to a peer on the phone to gather everyone, and to meet at the hospital. I couldn't even find it in me to tell him to stop it, the aching in my body thrumming harder each couple minutes. "Okay, so they'll be here as soon as the news goes around. Eat up! And we'll visit her together." I frowned, tired eyes moving up to Iida.

"Do I have to?" I muttered.

"Yes, absolutely." I scoffed, and slouched further in the seat. "If you don't eat, I will march right into her room and tell her how you've been starving yourself. You're not doing you or her any favors being in this state now that she's awake." My eyes narrowed, face whipping his way.

"You wouldn't dare, Class President." I snarled. His posture shifted, arms crossing on his chest.

"I tried killing Stain, remember? I wear my hand injury as a reminder to myself, and that means I will." Breaking eye contact to weakly grab the chopsticks in my way, I ate through the pain of the flowers, each movement hurt, but for her sake, I was eating.

After they got to us, and the doctor gave the okay to go back, we grouped up in groups of 5. Iida, Hatsume, Ochako, Midoriya, and I got to go in first, without much hesitation due to the state I was in. Iida had an arm around my shoulders as we walked, me quietly muttering that despite the flowers, I was okay. My classmates stopped at the door and I stared at them. "What are you guys doing?" I asked, expecting them to want to see her as soon as they could.

"Why don't you go in first, Shoto. You spent the most time here waiting." At the explanation, I faltered. I had been a jerk, I was rude, sarcastic, yelled at them. I had refused to eat… You had been depressed… And yet, they- I grabbed the handle to the door and glared at them.

Overcoming Our Obstacles Shoto Todoroki x Reader YLE,MRA Book 2Where stories live. Discover now