Chapter 24

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Alex POV

Her mouth was open "What do you mean?" "I'm madly in love Sylvia I just can't stand seeing her with somebody else" "But Alex you do realize that you're with someone else too?" I nodded "Yeah I tried it just to get over her but when I came back it's like the feelings slapped me in the face"

"Aww I'm sorry honey" she hugged me and my tear rolled down my cheek yes I liked Ariana this much and I hated the fact that she was ov r there falling more in love with Dave

"Listen I love the thought of you two together but you and her are never going to workout if you don't speak your mind and especially when you have a girlfriend she won't think anything of you because you have a girlfriend"

"But she has a boyfriend too--" "Yes but if she rest loved you it will all be worth it" she put my hand on my hand and smiled I sighed and wiped my tears there was a knock on the door she got up and answers it while I word myself up I knew it was Andrea

"Babe what's wrong ?" she ran into my arms "Nothing I just thought I forgot something" I smiled wrapping my arm around her she smiled "Welll come on get to bed it's late" she smiled "Alright let's go" we walked to the door and I waved to Sylvia "Thank you" I mouthed she smiled and nodded closing the door

"What did you think you forgot?" she held my hand I completely changed the subject "Andrea do you love me?" she stopped I'm her tracks and looked at me" "Of course I do I left Kian for you Alex you showed me that there was such thing as true love where both people in the relationship enjoy it and I'm really happy that you showed me that because without you I'd probably still be with that jerk" she smiled a year rolling down her cheek I was speechless "I love you Alex" she hugged me and I just stood there until I finally hugged her back

Now I felt extremely bad I can't leave her like that

Ariana POV

Next Morning

"Goodmorning sunshines " Dave's grandma opened the door and smiled opening the curtains "Grandma!" Dave growled "Get up its late" I smiled and sat up "Breakfast is ready when you want to come down and eat" I nodded "Thank you I'll be right down" she smiled and closed the door

"Come on Dave get up" I smiled straddling him and he smiled "Kiss me" "No you hsvennt brushed your teeth yet nasty" "Oh come on you sucked this--" "Dave" "Okay I'm getting up" he chuckled I got off of him and walked in the bathroom there was a box of fresh toothbrushes thank god

I brushed my teeth and went downstairs Dave was barely brushing his teeth I sat down next to James who was the only one here "Sup girl" he chuckled "Hi" "Here's your plates" the maid set the plate in front of us "Thank you!" I smiled "Wheres Mama Franco?" "Went to run some errands" I nodded

"These look amazing " I smiled inhaling the pancake bacon and eggs my stomach growled and I dug in "Wheres grandma?" Dave came downstairs sitting down "Errands" James said again with his mouth full "Gross" Dave laughed "Isabel can I get a plate of breakfast please" "Yes Mr Franco" this place was so elegant I loved it

They brought his plate and we all ate "So I heard you guys last night" My eyes widened as I chew the last piece of bacon "I'm gonna go throw this away" I stood up awkwardly and wLked to the kitchen "Oh hi you could of just called me I would of gone and gotten your plate" "I was just getting out of an awkward situation" she giggled "Its even more awkward now since they know your supposed to just call me in"

I laughed "Did you hear anything crazy last night?" she shook her head "Nope" I nodded "Okay good talk" I smiled she took my plate and smiled "Would you like anything else to eat" "No I'm good thank you it really hit the spot" she smiled and I walked out

"You okay?" I nodded "I'm ready to go but I wanted to day bye to your grandma" Dave nodded "Hey I was joking about the hearing you guys" James laughed "Then how did you know we had sex?" I crossed my arms and looked at Dave

"We gotta go" Dave stood up grabbing his keys and taking my hand "Whats wrong with you? I wanted to wait for your grandma" "She won't be back for a while" I nodded we got in the car "Why did you storm off like that did you tell him we had sex?" he shook his head and put his seat belt on and turned the car on

"Dave" "I didn't tell him Ariana please stop asking" I furrowed my eyebrows I just ignored it and scrolled through my phone

Alex POV

I sat at the dining table at Sylvia and Myles house with Andrea next to me my had my hands up on my face "Everything okay man?" Myles sat on the chair aside from mine and I looked up Sylvia was cooking us breakfast and everyone was looking at me

"No I'm good" he nodded and rubbed my back I smiled a little "I'm gonna go to the bathroom" I stood up and walked through the hall I heard footsteps behind me I turned a little and see Sylvia "Hey buddy how you holding up?" just at that moment the front door opens Ariana walks through tears in her eyes

"Whats wrong!" I run to her side "Nothing I'm fine hi mom" she smiles and wiped her eyes brushing past my shoulder into her room Sylvia raised her eyebrows "I'll be back --" "I got it" I put my hand on her shoulder and she smiled nodding I felt butterflies in my stomach as I got closer and closer to her door

I stand right in front now I knock and get nervous "Yes?" her sweet voice sounded like a precious ocean wave (I'm bad at this cheesy shit) "Can I come in" "Hold on" I heard her ruffle through stuff and then walk to her door the door opened and she stood there in comfy clothes "What do you need?" "I want to talk to you" "Alex I'm fine-" "No your not and were gonna talk about it whether you like it or not" she looked down and moved aside I smiled and walked in

I sat on her bed and waited until she walked back towards me "Tell me what happened" she walked towards me and sat next to me "Nothing I swear. Dave is just being an asshole" "Your telling me" I scoffed and she playfully punched my arm "Stop" "I'm just kidding what happened what did be say to you"

"I can't tell you exactly but he said something he should've had and then lied to my face" I nodded "And what was this thing?" I looked over at her with air quotes "None of your business" she mocked me and I smiled and grabbed her hand she looked at it and then up at me "Sorry" I sighed and moved it but she pulled my hand back into hers

"Its okay your my best friend and I love you" she smiled getting up and hugging me "I love you too" I sighed knowing that my love isn't the same love she has. She just friend zoned me.

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