Chapter 32

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Ariana POV

We pulled up to the house I was excited to meet my grandpa my mom knocked on the door Tyler held Isaac's hand and I held Izaya's she stepped back and we waited until the door opened there stood a man he didn't look that old to be honest

"Sylvia?" my mom nodded and smiled he ran outside and she hugged him it was so sweet I put my hand up to my heart and smiled "I missed you so much" "I missed you too!" she cried

We all went inside because it was super hot here "Dad this is Ariana my oldest " she smiled he smiled and hugged me super tightly I smiled and rubbed his back "Your beautiful you look just like your momma" he kissed my forhead "Thank you my mom is a beautiful woman" I smiled and he let go as I went to hug my mom who was about to shed a tear

He went on and hugged my little brothers "You guys look exactly like your dad" he smiled "Thank you!" they said in sync as this always happens my grandpa stood up to Tyler "Oh -- your not Myles" he laughed shaking his hand "Yeah never that hi I'm Tyler " he smiled shaking his hand

"Well welcome to my home" "Thank you sir" "Oh this is my wife Bethany" he smiled as a lady walked in we greeted her and she was really nice "Boys wanna come and make some ice cream with me?" she smiled and they nodded jumping up and down following her I smiled "You wanna go upstairs and unpack baby?" I nodded "Come on" she lead me and Tyler upstairs I had my own room and so did the boys and my mom and Tyler and slept in one I wonder how that was gonna workout

I put my suitcase on my bed and started unpacking I missed Dave already god knows how he feels right now

Sylvia POV

"Need help?" Tyler knocked on the door and came in anyways as I unpacked the boys suitcases "Yeah sure thank you" I smiled as he closed the door and stood next to me grabbing Isaac's suitcase nd unzipping it "We can just put them in here" I pointed to the drawers and he nodded

When we finished I put the suitcases in the closet and we walked to our room and we started unpacking "I didn't know how long we were gonna stay here so I just kinda brought a lot of clothes" he chuckled and I smiled "Its okay I'm not forcing you to stay you can leave when you want just give it like a month" he nodded "I want to stay here until you leave im not leaving you alone" he came close to me "Okay that's great" I turned right around avoiding his plump pink lips that were calling my name

"So what should we do now?" he grabbed my hand and turned me around "I don't know I guess we're just gonna have to get used to living here" he nodded "I fucking hate Cam!" he raised his arms behind his head and I grabbed them putting them down "Stop" "No look what he caused were in fucking Miami Sylvia this isn't good I hate him!" "Calm down its okay everything happens for a reason right?" I grabbed his hands and intertwined them putting them down he looked into my eyes and smiled

"Kiss me " I blushed as he leaned in and so did I our lips met and I smiled as his lips moved slowly along with mine I wrapped my arms around his neck and he put his on my waist lifting me up and I wrapped my legs around his torso pulling him back onto the bed he hovered over me and slipped his tounge in my mouth

The door opened and he quickly backed away from me putting his finger in his mouth walking back and fourth I laughed and sat up "Mom mom mom come try our ice cream" I smiled and nodded following them to the kitchen where my dad and Bethany stood I smiled and sat on the stool they handed me a cup of blue and red ice cream I laughed because I knew those were the boys favorite colors

"Try it mom try it ! " "Okay okay calm down" I laughs as I took a scoop and put it in my mouth "Wow this is really good good job boys!" I smiled and took another spoonful they cheered and jumped up and down "We did it grandma!" they high fived her and I smiled

Myles POV

I pulled up to Gabriela's house she's my assistant when I'm in the studio I knocked on the door and she answered immediately "Oh hey!" she smiled she was wearing a tight black tank top and a grey maxi skirt "Hi" I smiled with my hands in my pockets and then I looked down "Are you okay?" I shook my head "Come in!" she put her arm around my shoulder and walked me to the couch where I sat down I looked up she closed the door and walked back over to me

She sat down and put her hand on my shoulder "What's wrong YBM?" "My wife she left me and she took the kids" my tears rolled down my cheek and she put her hand over her heart "I'm so sorry!" she pulled me into a hug and I actually broke down

I realized that I'm a fucking retard for coming here better yet crying in front of her how embarrassing I pulled away and wiped my face "Sorry I'm fine " I stood up and paced back and fourth running my fingers through my hair

"Myles it's okay" she stood up and stopped me putting her hands on my chest I looked down and she lifted my head with her finger and I licked my lips and she leaned in kissing my lips

I went along with it and she put her hands on my face she deepened the kiss ohh she wanted it . I picked her up and walked to the nearby room and slammed the door with my leg locking it and laying her softly on the bed she took my shirt off and then hers I bit my lip and unhooked her bra she put her hands over her boobs and rubbed them oh this was gonna be fun !

A/N Sorry I get so easily distracted while writing ! but anyways I'm thinking about writing another fanfic but it's gonna be about Shawn Mendes and Jack Gilinsky I'm so excited for it but don't worry this book isn't over yet there's more drama gonna come ;)

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