They Don't Know About Us: Second-Year Part 1

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Chapter 1:

Phoenix checks on the creatures in the forest one late summer morning, doing her usual responsibilities before the time that she needs to leave to Diagon Alley. She has decided to wear her Slytherin robes to show pride for her house.

"You have been doing well since I healed your trail," she speaks in parseltongue to a young serpent while kneeling on the ground.

"Yesss, I am, thank you sssso much, Princessss Phoenix," he thanked her with a smile.

"You're welcome, Bowie," she smiles while standing back up. "Please be careful the next time when you are going beyond the magical barrier. There are dangerous muggles, just like there are dangerous wizards. We wouldn't want to get hurt again, right?"

"Yesss, your highnessss," he smiles again.

"Phoenix!" the queen calls out from the cottage. "It's time to go!"

"You can leave now, Bowie," the young girl tells the creature.

Bowie bows his head before slithers away.

"Leith! Let's go!" she calls for her son.

The firedrake was playing with some bunnies and squirrels when he heard his motherly figure. He meets with Phoenix on the way towards the cottage.

"Your daddy is going to stay since he isn't feeling so good today," Eilidh explains to her daughter. Her long dark grey hair falls around her upper body as her ultra pale body is wearing black trousers that are very loose around her skins with an emerald green tank top. Black and green sandals are on her feet.

"Is Daddy ill?" she asked, a little worried.

"Just a little cold, but he should be better before you return to Hogwarts," her mother smiles, assuring her and the creature.

"Okay, Mummy," Phoenix smiles.

"Also, are you ready to tell Draco?" she asked her daughter, sounding serious.

Phoenix knew what her mother meant.  "No, I'm not," she sighs, "I know I shouldn't be hiding my true self from my best friend, but with his traditional values from his family worries me.  Draco knows that I have passion for magical creatures and equality, but he doesn't know the extent."  Her dark grey eyes have worry within them.

"I know, it's difficult," Eilidh caresses Phoenix's cheek.  "Remember, be close to the ones are worthy," she smiles.

She smiles back, knowing that she will always have her mother with her.

The small family begins to fly towards Diagon Alley but transforms back when they find a good spot to hide.

"Alright, now that we remembered where it is by flying," Eilidh laced her hands, smiling at them, "where do you want to go first, Phoenix?" she asked.


"Phoenix!" a familiar male voice calls out.

They turn to see Draco Malfoy running over towards them while carrying a black box.

"Draco!" Phoenix grins back, running towards him.

The two best friends hug each other, feeling the familiar source of warmth, but this time it's getting stronger.

"I read your edition of the Quibbler," he tells her when they pulled away.

"You did?" she's surprised. "Did you like it?"

"It's brilliant!"

Then a cane hits him on the shoulder, surprising Phoenix and Leith gratefully.

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