Chapter 7

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Arjun's pov :

By the time I arrived home, all are sitting in the hall.

How? and when? did this Ritu arrive home?

Ritu is sitting on ma's lap and she is feeding him Gulab Jammu (Sweet) .

Ritu is sitting on ma's lap and she is feeding him Gulab Jammu (Sweet)

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He is eating like an innocent kid, after all the drama he did. Innocent my foot. He is a devil.

"Arjun beta. You came. You know today some rascal tried to kidnap our Ritu. Thank god! A teacher saved our Ritu and informed Kavitha, as she and Abhi are near the school due to some work, they immediately reached there. "

"Our Ritu is so scared. My poor boy." Ma said.

What? The kidnapping story reached house this fast. I think this devil narrated all these lies. If I say that kidnapper no.. no..  that person is me and I got beatings from a school teacher. It will be embarrassing and moreover, Yash and di will tease me like anything. So no way in the hell I will say the truth.

"Arjun. I asked you to pick Ritu right." Di asked suddenly.

"Haa. Ye..s di. I went to school. But by the time I reached school, they informed Ritu left with his parents. " I said.

"Oh ok." She said.

Thank God. Leave this topic.

"But we should punish that rascal. How dare he?" Ma shouted with an angry face.

Not again..

"Ma. I will handle the issue. Leave it to me." I said.

"Ok, Arjun." She relaxed.

"Arjun beta. What happened to your face? " Ma asked.

Shit. What should I say know,  that I was beaten by a teacher.

No way.

"Ma. That. .... I fell from stairs in office." I lied.

"What! Oh my God! You should be careful Arjun.  You should take care of yourself. Have you gone to the hospital? Wait Let me call the doctor." She got tensioned.

"No ma. I don't need a doctor. It's just a small wound. Right. I have already applied ointment. Ok. Cool." I explained.

"Ok. Take care. Don't be careless. " She said.

"Ok. Come let's eat." I said to divert them.

After dinner, I went to Ritu room.

"How dare you? Young man. Why did you play this stupid stunt?" I asked with a serious face.

"Mama. Don't scold me, otherwise, I will say to all that you got beatings from a teacher." He said with an evil smirk.

Devil. All say kids are innocent, but here I got a devil nephew.

"No. Don't you dare say to anyone." I said.

"Ok. Deal. Don't say to Mumma, that I ate ice-creams. " he said.

"Ok. You won. Deal." I said accepting my defeat.

Aaradhya's pov:

"Aru. What happened? You look like an angry bird. " Purvi asked.

"Today I met an idiot. " I said.

"What? What happened? Say it clearly. " Ithika said.

I explained about the early incident. How a man tried to kidnap a kid from our school, calming himself as his mama.

"You should have called me. I would have beaten him red and blue. " Mahira said.

"Don't worry.  I have beaten him with my books and the kid is safe."

"If I see him again, doing such things them I will call you." I said to Mahira.

"Ok. Leave it. The boy is safe, so nothing to worry about. Let us eat." Said Purvi.

We all completed our dinner and slept.

Hope you all are doing well.

What do you think about the chap?

Do you like little Ritu?

Lucky number?

Bye. See you all in the next chap. Take care.

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