"Who Takes Glass To The Pool?"

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All three women, two fully clothed and one in a spectacular blue bikini lay on the large white cabana bed. The sun was starting to dance with some bigger clouds in the sky, now looking like there was a chance of rain.

"That's my husband, Robert, he's the white guy," she said, pointing to the good looking bald man, who was busy in conversation with someone. Devina looked in their direction and noticed that the man he was speaking to was holding a bottle of Corona beer in his hand and she wondered how he was allowed to take glass into the pool. Some men get away with everything, she mused.

Deena called out to the boys and waved at them to come over. That's when Devina got a better look at him. As he rose out of the water, the first thing she noticed was his smooth square chest. His arms, although strong did not look bulky, they were perfectly toned. As he walked towards the trio sitting on the cabana, she could see his muscular legs taking strides in the water. It wasn't love at first sight, but seeing this tower of a man, she knew there was something different about him.

"Girls, this is my husband Robert," Deena said, beaming at her husband as he bent down to give her a peck, "and his buddy here, is Sooraj," she said pointing to the man both ladies were eyeing.

"I'm Chayla" she said, extending her hand to Sooraj.

"And you are?" he said, looking directly at Devina, in an accent that neither of them could place.

"Devina" she said, matter of factly.

"Devina-" he paused briefly, taking her in and then continued, very smoothly "- and Chayla, I reckon you ladies can use a few drinks. The service here is horrific," said Sooraj, looking out for the wait staff.

"Mate, another Vodka rocks for you? Deena, a beer-" he said, pointed toward the empty bottle of Kingfisher beer she was drinking. He then turned to Chayla and said "let me guess rum and coke, and you... Champagne," he said smirking.

"That's a good guess, but she actually loves Pina Coladas, especially when near the pool. How'd you know I'm a rum and coke girl?" said Chalya.

"Took a shot in the dark. Right, I'll get the drinks," he said and then looked at Devina "Don't go anywhere."

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Aadi was in full cuddle mode, his tiny arms around her waist. She kissed the top of his head, his straight light brown hair tickling her nose. He smells just like Sooraj, but more innocent, she thought to herself, as she sniffed his hair.

The clock on the nightstand beeped, it was 8 pm, half an hour past his bedtime. Sooraj was the one in charge of the night time routine. It was his favourite way to bond with Aadi, something just for the boys he would say. It didn't bother her in the least, with Sooraj's hectic work schedule, this was the only time they'd get together, on most days. They'd often spend more than an hour discussing all the happenings of the day, and her favourite pastime was overhearing them bicker from behind the bedroom door.

"I think daddy knew right away that he liked you," said Aadi, breaking her thoughts.

"Well, I didn't know it at the time, but maybe he did," she replied.

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Holding a tray with all their drinks, Sooraj walked back to the cabana.

"Do we need to tip you," said Devina cheekily.

"No, but I'm sure he'll find some way to exact payment," retorted Deena. It was this type of naughty and quick wit that formed the foundation of Deena and Devina's friendship. No matter what the situation, both ladies always had a dirty one-liner that could sometimes throw people off their game.

"So, who do you ladies know here?" Robert asked.

"Devina is friends with Zayne. He had been calling and texting all morning saying he was grooming someone for her and finally wanted her to meet him" said Chayla, lightheartedly.

"Oh really?" snorted Sooraj, trying to gulp down a sip of his beer, the slightest of smiles on his lips.

"Well, like I told Zayne, this weekend is about my girl Chay and I'm not interested in meeting anyone," she said. Then turning to her friend, she continued, "Chay, on the other hand, here, is very single and very eager to mingle, so if Zayne does decide to bring this groomed man, I'm sure they'll be some uses for him."

"Men have uses? Are you sure, I thought they had just the one use," said Deena, "and they use it well," a huge roar of laughter broke out, and Zayne couldn't have walked in at a better moment. All five of them were starting to loosen up, and now with Zayne in their crosshairs, it was his turn to spill the beans on the mystery man.

"I come bearing mojitos," he said, putting down a tray of drinks for all of them.

"So, who is the mystery man?" asked Deena, taking a sip of one of the refreshing mojitos.

"Oh, I'll never tell, you know my powers of matchmaking are much more subtle than an outright declaration," said Zayne, looking at the group with a suave tough guy expression.

"So much swagger, Zayne, who would have thunk it," said Deena, clearly having a good-natured jab at his expense.

"Chayla, look at the time, the band gets on at 6:30, we should head to the concert," said Devina, noticing the looming clouds that had now turned grey. "I hope it doesn't rain; the concert is in the outdoors area."

"Leaving already? Where is this concert?" asked Sooraj. Devina noticed him looking a bit too intently at her.

"It's at Exchange, the rooftop place, where they serve drinks at fluctuating prices," she said, getting up from the comfortable cabana bed.

"It was so nice meeting you guys," she continued.

"Why don't you'll join us?" interjected Chayla, looking directly at Sooraj, but it was Deena who answered.

"Actually, that's a great idea, our babysitter has the kids till 11, so Robert and I would love to come, we just moved here, so it'd be nice to check out a new place."

"I don't have plans either," said Sooraj, "Right, it's settled then, let's wrap this up, we'll see you girls there," he continued. Devina suddenly noticed how tall he was, now that she was also standing, he was about a whole head taller.

"How much do we owe you for the drinks?" she asked.

"It's on me," said Sooraj.

"Told you I was good at grooming," said Zayne, grinning.

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