Chapter one: Its warm outside.

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There are a crap ton of spelling and grammar errors I'm so sorry- so if you see the word "Sue" it probably means "she" and if you see the POV change, look I made most of this in the middle of the gosh darn night give me a break- and whole up will be woke up okay just look for a comme,t posted by me if you don't understand what's going on in the book. Next chapter I'll pay for attention.
°•☆ America ☆•°
~•♤ Soviet ♤•~
°○◇ Britain ◇○°

°•☆ She got up out of her bed and rubbed her eyes.
When she looked down she saw several states in her bed. She smiled softly as she slipped out of the bed.
She stretched and yawned letting out a satisfied grunt as she felt a few bones pop.
After a while of just standing looking at the sun through the window she started picking up toys and clothing from the floor.
She heard babbling from the crib and she walked over to the crib on the other side of the room to see American Virgin Islands.
She smiled lightly picking up the infant and putting him into her hip.

"Hello beautiful..."

She cooed at the baby in her arms. She kept walking toward the kitchen as the baby babbled happily at his mother.
America was wearing a top that said "USA" for womans soccer.
A bit small for her thick body but she was around the house. She was quite fine with that. All the states were asleep thank goodness. She didn't need them awake right then and there. Puerto Rico was asleep on the couch with Washington DC. Must've been watching a movie and fell asleep. Sue started to cook, her speciality. Hah. This whole up a bunch of states. Not surprised, she heard New Mexico and Arizona arguing in Spanish upstairs. It was too early in the morning to be translating things from Spanish to English right now. So she didn't bother try to translate. Delaware slid down the stairs looking at America

"Good morning mother!"

He chirped brightly looking at America cooking and holding the child

"Good morning, Delaware how are you?"

She asked stopping to smile at him warmly. That smile. Can melt your heart. It's so happy, loving, heart warming...
Delaware smiled back

"I am doing well!"

He chirped. He went to help clean up the kitchen and the living room as America cook breakfast.

~~~~°•☆Time skip sponsored by me staying up until like 6am in the morning to make this book yet not touch the RusAme book ;w; plus me trying to sleep at 7am but my dad turning on a light and taking away all hope of sleeping. ☆•°~~~~~

America had finished breakfast. By then, all the states would've been up. She placed AVI into a playpen before walking to her closet and shoving a sweatshirt on. She left the house quietly since everyone was doing just fine. She took her phone a long since the last time she didn't take her phone all hell broke loose. She walked past a few houses before hearing a thick Russian accent and a heavy British one. They were arguing. She looked ahead and saw Britain and Soviet arguing.
About...parenting?? Oh lordy...☆•°

~•♤ I'm fighting with that stupid Brit again. He things that my parenting needs some cleaning up. And he's the one who lost all of his children to revolutions. Stupid Brit. I heard foot steps walking up to us and I looked over to see her. America. My eyes lit up a bit. God she was so beautiful. Even if she wasn't trying. Even if she wasn't dressing up. She was just naturally a beauty. Her voice was soft and kind. Loving too. Even toward her enemies. Her smile is hypnotic. You would want to stare at it all day and smile back at her. Even the sun would be jealous of her bright loving smile. And her eyes. Her deep blue eyes you could easily get lost into just by staring. Drowning into an ocean...
I finally snapped out of my thoughts about the angel on earth-
I mean America
When she spoke.♤•~

°•☆ "Hello Britain, Soviet." I said quietly. I was still kind of tired. I smiled at the two.☆•°

°○◇ I scoffed at America and rolled my eyes. She couldn't get into this conversation even if she tried. I meant items about children and she knows nothing about children for goodness sake. I placed my hands on my (Cane? Scepter? I dont know anymore-) and shook my head shamefully

"You two need to learn how to take care of children." I sighed angrily ◇○°

°•☆ "maybe you need to leave and calm down. Maybe mother will help." I sighed stopping to look at the two countries. Britain's short but Soviet is...tall. very tall. America's height compared to him was up to the top of only his chest. Britain honestly he just stormed off like the salty British man he is. (If that offended you I'm so sorry-) I smiled up at Soviet. "Good morning sir." I smiled warmly at him.☆•°

~•♤ God her smile is so amazing- wait she ju- shi-
"Good morning America." I responded back, not minding my accent getting in the way. We could have a full on conversation even if I was speaking Russian. She understands every language of the world. She may not be able to speak it well but she understands 100%. I like that about her too. "How are you this morning?" I asked smiling back down at her. Shes a shorty. Haha. I like that about her too. The way how we can always tease her about new short height. And how she wouldn't mind because she knew we were messing around. Shes laid back. I guess that's what she gets for being a mother of 55+ kids. I feel bad for her though. So many kids...So many dang kids. And I have to deal with 15, most of which have moved out of the house, thank God. She must be suffering...♤•~

°•☆ I smiled more up to the Russian "I am doing well, sir." I chirped happily. I didn't mind his accent. Most other countries would ask him to repeat what he asked again but that's because they don't understand either his accent or his language. Now you may be wondering: "how are you two even friends? Remember the cold war??" And yes, we remember the Cold War. But after that he had a near death crisis trying to change. I realized it was because he was trying to be a democracy. So I made a deal with him: he could be a communist if he opened a few more things up. And so he did. We've been friends since but we haven't really talked to each other until recently when I moved into the mansion. I'm not surprised he has one I mean he's one of the oldest countries to have lived in this neighborhood. I just recently moved in since I ran out of room in my old house- .....yup that shows how many children I have. "Would you like to go on a walk with me?" I asked him tilting my head a bit. Yea the stuff I was wearing was walking material. I need to walK-☆•°

~•♤ I lightly blushed at her question. But I didn't deny the offer. How could I? She s do sweet. "I would love to." I smiled at her warmly. AMD with that we went off walking down the trail....♤•~


Hope you guys liked the first chapter guys. This took a total amount of 3 days. (If you're about to ask about the RusAme book, imma stop you right there and go ahead and say I will probably ditch and drop that book faster than you can say "oh noes" I'm so sorry-) 
So yea have a nice day guys!


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