Big Bear Man

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I was tagged by puplora , her character of choice was Baron from Blood and Snow!

[Potential Spoiler Warning? (Baron's Story)]

Baron: (*growls*) "Do I really have to f===ing do this?"

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Baron: (*growls*) "Do I really have to f===ing do this?"

Mason: "Yes. Now stop complaining and answer the questions."

1) Say three things you hate.

Baron: "There's a lot of things I hate. I'd say the top three are people, cops, and how much that damned lawyer [Belle] reminds me of someone I used to know.

2) Tell a lie and a truth, the reader's have to guess what is the truth and which is the lie.

Baron: "Alright. My name is Baron Boar. I killed the entire police department from the town I used to live in."

3) Name five things that make you very happy.

Baron: "Seriously? The hell do they want to know that for?"

Mason: "Just answer it!"


Baron: (*Sighs*) "I like coffee. I like to play with knives. I love my wife and daughter... I love it when my daughter laughs and smiles... I... I genuinely am happy that I have the others with me. They're like my family now."

Baron: "If you hurt them, no one will ever find your body."

4) Name two important things about yourself.

Baron: "'Important'?"

Mason: "Things that they should know."

Baron: (*Glares*) "I know!"

[He actually doesn't, but won't admit it.]

Baron: "I am a VERY STUBBORN person, and will constantly insist on killing you if you get on my nerves. So DON'T. Another 'important' thing to know about me is that I actually do have a heart. I may be a murderer, but I'm not emotionless."

5) How would you rate yourself from 0-10?

Baron: "..."


6) From step two, tell which one of the two things your talked about were the lie and which one was the truth.

Baron: "My name is actually Baron Black."

Baron: "I really did kill the entire police department, but they had it coming. One of those pigs did terrible things that the others knew about, and they let it happen! My daughter was six years old! SIX! And they KILLED HER! She was all that I had! I—!..."

Baron: (*Huff*) "... The only reason why I even have an attachment to Belle is because my daughter was just like her. Always anxious and scared, had horrible nightmares and even more horrible anxiety attacks... even their names are similar. My daughter's name was Isabella. I used to call her 'Belle' for short."

6) Tag around five to six people.

Mason: "Unfortunately, Baron just stormed off and is no longer here to finish this. However, I guess I should do this for him since I technically owe him for that trip down memory lane..."

Mason: "I choose MeloMonade , FunnyCutecece4 , Anim_The_Ghost , NoLimitsToDreams , and Edaj321 ."

[NoLimitsToDreams, may I request Ballora from the Silent Symphonies AU, since I asked for Puppet last time? (owo)]

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