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High school sucks

I don't think I can deal with it anymore

I know, me too. 

I hate everyone there and I'm so ready to graduate.

So British high schools suck too?

British high school??

You know, I may be British but I don't actually live there

Wait. So you don't have the to-die-for accent?

Well that's a disappointment..

And here I thought you'd be calling me 'love' with that accent in no time :(

Love? What?

Why would I ever call you that?

Because I'm great and your one true love

That's why.

Aah! Sure, dream on.

You know you will confess your love for me one day

I know you're dying to.  ;)

What the-??

You're crazy. No, you're a psycho.

Yes, my love, crazy for you. ;)


Okay, I'll admit that was too cheesy.. Ew.

So anyway, you said you don't live there

So where are you from?

I said I don't live where??

I meant in England.

So where you from?

Oh that.. Yeah, I don't.

And to answer your question, Washington.


Where in WA?

Nope. Not gonna tell you that

For all I know, you might be a serial killer.


First, I'm a psycho then I'm a serial killer

Anything else you want to label me as?

Nah. I think that's enough for today

Great. Thanks

Hey, how come you didn't go all Hulk on me?


You know, Hulk? Bruce Banner?

I know who Hulk is.

I'm asking how do I go all hulk on you

You know with your all "stop texting me."

Oh that.

Well, I realized there's no point since you don't listen..

So yeah



You can't have enough of me, can you



Nevermind. I'm not even going to try

It's okay, my love

I don't blame you

I am one of a kind, afterall

You sure love yourself a lot.

Nah, I don't.

I spend my days in self loathing, I'm just pretending to love myself.

You confuse me a lot..

I know, love

I like doing it




Hey guys! Here's the fourth chapter! Two chapters back to back. Woohooo!
I hope y'all liked it.

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