Chapter 7: Into the New

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Normal POV

Zane woke up as he heard a bird chirping near the window. He smiled and got up, swiftly making his bed before looking around. The other ninja laid in their beds, Kai snoring as usual. Zane shrugged and walked quietly out the door, hoping to get some alone time for meditation. However, as he walked past the living room, he heard voices whispering angrily. He slowed to a stop and peaked through the crack of the door, listening and watching, Inside he saw the same red ninja from the day before. Her hood was down so her straight, red hair cascaded down her back. Her hazel eyes were widened as she looked around, as if searching for an answer.

The gi she wore was a bright red with a dark red and orange fire symbol on the back, outlined with gold. Marissa stood in front of the red ninja, a worried yet angry expression on her face. In the middle of the two stood another ninja, her gi a light sky blue with dark blue outlines of water waves and a moon on the back and a silver outline around the gi. Her light blonde hair stood on her shoulders as she looked between the two other women, her sapphire blue eyes darting between them. The room seemed untidy as a table was flipped over beside them and a chair was tossed into the corner, its legs broken.

A bookshelf was emptied and the books remained on the ground in a heap. Zane carefully kneeled in front of the crack, listening closely. "I don't know how to get her back." Marissa said desperately. The red ninja sighed. "She's passed over to a dark side, Sensei. I don't think that traitor will ever come back" She said angrily. Marissa immediately whipped her head back and stared at the red ninja. "I'm sure she has a valid reason. She couldn't have just joined for fun" Marissa said with anger rising in her voice. The blue ninja cleared her throat. "I think we should find her, Sensei, and see what she says about it" the blue ninja said in a monotone voice.

Marissa paused and considered it. 'You're right Lily, we shouldn't be arguing about this. I want you and Makenna to go and find her please" Marissa said with a lighter tone. The two ninja nodded and quickly walked off. Marissa straightened herself up and started tidying up the room. Zane knew he needed to leave and he quickly walked off to his room quietly. When he got back, he saw the other ninja up and getting the room fixed. Zane shut the door and motioned for them to be quiet. The others saw his gesture and they all huddled up. 'What's wrong Zane?" Cole asked. "Yeah what's going on?" Kai added. Zane looked at all of them before speaking.

"This morning I woke up from my sleep and decided to go pursue some time alone for meditation. My servers have been a bit jumbled after th-" Zane started but was cut off by Jay. "C'mon Zane, fast forward a little please." Jay said. Zane paused a bit before speaking again. "Well, as I was walking outside I heard some people speaking in the living room. Their voices were angry so I decided to see if everything was alright. What I saw was Marissa in the living room along with the same red ninja from yesterday and a new blue ninja. They seemed to be worried about something. They kept saying that 'she' was a traitor and that they needed to hear her reasons.

The two ninja also kept calling Marissa 'Sensei', which If that is correct, then that means those were her students" Zane said before pausing again. Kai and Jay gasped. "So that's what she's been hiding!" Kai exclaimed. Cole signaled to keep quiet before Zane continued. "After they discussed what to do, the blue ninja gave them the idea to go look for 'her' and try to see her reason for joining a dark side. Marissa ended up sending both of the ninja to go and search" Zane concluded. Everyone looked around. "I wonder if Sensei Wu knows" Jay said. "He probably doesn't" Kai replied, looking curious.

Nya shook her head. "I think we should respect what Marissa wants to keep hidden" She said before getting up and walking out. The ninja nodded to eachother and walked out as well, but each of them felt curious about why Marissa would want to keep it hidden. As they walked into the kitchen they saw Marissa and Sensei Wu sitting at the table while drinking tea. The ninja said their good mornings and sat to eat, each thinking. Their thoughts were interrupted by an alarm that signaled a threat in Ninjago. The ninja ran out to the control room where they saw Nya pressing various buttons.

"Garmadon spotted in Ninjago City! It seems he's trying to get into a top secret vault in the Ninjago National Museum" She said. The ninja rushed out the door and transformed their weapons before racing off to Ninjago city. However, once they got there, they saw the same red ninja burning some skeletons and the new blue ninja moving a stream of water against some of Garmadon's army. The ninja went to step in to help before Garmadon appeared and the blue ninja attacked him with a jet of water. Garmadon fell back against a building and hit it with a crack. As he slid down however, he hit a button on a control and laughed.

Within seconds a black blur sped past the ninja and made a wall of earth in front of Garmadon, blocking the blue ninja's stream of water. The ninja looked at the two other ninja and saw their expressions pale. The ninja, confused, looked up to see a black ninja standing on the wall of earth. The black ninja's gi had a silver outline along the trim with mountains running along the back of the gi. The black ninja held a pair of gold sais with a silver earth emblem on the handle of each one. She looked down at the two ninja sadly before streaming down the wall of earth on a rock slide, sliding towards them.

The blue ninja rose the water to the end of the rock slide and brought down her golden bo staff, making the water turn to ice. The black ninja slide off the slide before reaching the end and knocked over the red ninja, making her gold katana fly out of her hands and land away from her. The red ninja tried to make a grab for it but the black ninja brought over a stream of earth over her, making her stick to the ground. The blue ninja tried to sneak up behind the black ninja but the black ninja jumped out of the way and glued the blue ninja's feet to the ground with rocks. The black ninja ran over to Garmadon before ushering him away roughly.

"Now get out of here, before I kill you" the black ninja said to Garmadon, her voice seeping venom. Garmadon laughed. "You wouldn't dare, not when I have what you want" He said before laughing again. The black ninja's expression fell before walking away. Garmadon laughed once more before disappearing in a cloud of dust. The black ninja sat down on the ground and held her head in her hands. The rocks that held the other two ninja disappeared and they got up, walking towards the black ninja. The other ninja stayed in place, letting the events seep into their minds. The black ninja got up as the blue and red ninja walked over to the black ninja.

The red one took off her hood, letting her red hair spill out. She stared at the black ninja and narrowed her eyes. The blue ninja took off her hood as well, exposing her shoulder length blonde hair as she looked at the black ninja with no emotion. "Why did you leave us?" The red ninja spoke, anger slowly crawling up her voice. The blue one kept looking at the black one, waiting for an answer. The black one sighed. "It's a complicated reason, Makenna" The black one said, sighing. The red ninja, Makenna, stomped her foot and pointed at the black one. "Tell us then! Do you know how much pain you've caused Sensei, Savannah?" The red one spat out, her face red with anger.

The black ninja's expression became pale as she looked away. "I'm sorry, but I have to do this" the black ninja said softly. The black ninja got up and ran away, despite the calls from the blue and red ninja. The red ninja sighed before spotting the other ninja frozen in place. She gently nudged the blue ninja and they both whispered quietly before leaving quickly, the blue one in a wave of water and the red one in a blast of fire. The ninja stared as they left before quickly riding back to the cabin and bursting into it. Marissa looked up from her tea and had a puzzled look on her face. "Is there something wrong?" She asked. Jay took off his hood. "I think you need to explain." He stated. 

A/N THERE YA GO! I'm sorry for not updating sooner. I hope you can forgive me. Please comment down below your opinions and make sure to vote and follow if you like it :).


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2014 ⏰

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