Chapter one

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"She would so get it" Niall shouted over the music, pointing out the fittest girls in the club.

"ooooh yes, she would defo get it!" Olly raised his hand waiting for Niall to respond to his high five. They looked at each other smugly, laughing and grinning every now and again.

"Oy Ol, fancy a game of dares aye?" He winked at Olly, receiving a grin from olly in response.

"Payno! Gather the lads down here, we have an idea" Olly indicated Liam, shooing him away to huddle the rest of the lads.

The club was rowdy, just how the lads liked it. A proper night out.

Niall sat silently swigging at his pint whilst olly snapped out of his thought as they were joined by Zayn, Louis and Harry.

"This better be good". Louis huffed pulling a stool upside Olly, sitting to his left. Zayn ordered shots whilst Harry checked out the girls.

"Dares!" Niall shouted over the music so he could be heard! everyone cheered Niall looking proud of himself. "bogsy I go first" He spoke up again, raising his hand.

everyone agreed and Niall struck up some good dares.

"Payno, I dare you to grind against that man right there", Niall laughed whilst Liam agreed and strutted off towards the dance floor. The boys watched from the gathering at the bar, falling in fits of laughter.

"Nialler, you owe me for that one!" He said high fiving Harry.

"right Harry, I dare you to have a snog with that old woman, sitting right there", liam pointing in the woman's direction.

"Easy as pie", Harry winked and wondered off.

again all five boys watched as his mission was accomplished.

A few minutes later Harry joined the boys again with a face full of lipstick. "she's a keeper", he winked shoving paper containing her number into his jacket poket.

"Now, time for a double dare oright" Harry grinned, as did Louis as he got excited. Louis whispered into Harry's ear and high fived.

Zayn was snoozing in the chair so the boys left him be.

"Ol and Nialler.. I dare you to bed a girl tonight" Olly grinned, whereas Niall looked a little worried. "..And 50 quid is in the bag for whoever lasts longest" Louis continued.

"Nialler you're on", Olly spoke up confidently an playfully punching Niall in the arm.

"bring it on murs", he raised his eye brows and his fists.

with that they both wondered off to find the girls that they would be spending the night with.

"oh I'm so sorry!", a tanned girl with brunette hair and a pale freckly face smiled innocently at Olly, her eyes then trailing off to look at the wet patch on Olly's shirt.

"No need to be sorry, it was totally my fault. shouldn't have been looking where I was walking". he smiled bag shrugging his shoulders. "but now i owe you a drink"

Olly grabbed the girls hand pulling her behind him to the bar. shots. olly was ordering shots.

"6 shots of Jäger please", Olly looked at the girl with a massive grin.

Olly caught the eye of Niall sitting rather close to a girl he knew. Her name was Lucy. She had dirty Blonde hair to match his, a cute smile and slim but curvy figure.

"sorry, can I ask your name?" the girl spoke up shyly, hugging onto Ollys evenly built arms.

He looked down at her as she looked up and both shot each other a smile.

"Olly. olly murs at your service dear", he winked in response.

The girl laughed flirtatiously . "I'm Abigail. but you can call me abs or abbey if you like", she shot another smile

"A beautiful name to match a beautiful face." olly grinned, wrapping his free arm tightly around her waste. She blushed slightly but held tighter onto Olly.

"Thankyou", she smiled. "can we go somewhere a bit quieter?", Abbey asked sweetly.

"I know the exact place", olly replied confidently.

With that, Olly and Abbey exited the club hand in hand. He passed the guys, throwing them a cheeky grin and a wink.

Love at first sight (Olly Murs & 1D)Where stories live. Discover now