I almost get convicted of murder (but I don't!)

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When we arrive at the Mellark Bakery, aka a Starbucks that they changed the name and kept the logo yet no one asked any questions.

"So what do you want to order?" I'm hoping Finnick is Pumpkin Spice latte lover like me. I'm a sucker for it and there chocolate chip scones are to die for. I used to love there cheese buns but then I found out they were made by he who must not be named.

"Whatever. You choose. But I'm a Espresso lover."  That makes me pause. I want to order two pumpkin spice lattes but I want to make sure Finnick to feel better and like he and his needs and liked were met. (See I'm a nice considerate gal.)

"Okay. I'll have two Americanos to go please." There I hope Finnick is happy.

"Ok is that all."

"Yes." I say with a overenthusiastic smile that is rather creepy thee gritted teeth. Come on Lady just take our order pronto. 

"Oh Katniss have you seen Peeta lately?"

Uh oh. I forgot about nincompoop's parents. "Noooooooooooooo...................."

"Oh that's too bad. We Haven't seen him around either."

She walks off, and I look at gorgeeoso-man.

"You really don't know where he is?" he asks, smiling slightly.

"Er kind of?" I reply. I'm not sure if I should tell him. What if he doesn't want to marry a muderer?

Finnick puts on a sly smile that i love. I smile back. He smiles again. Now it is getting quite awkward.

"Are you sure because I heard a weird rumor that Peeta go pushed off a cliff and someone told me you were with him and that's why Annie blew herself up.

"Well thats a redicouous rumor how did you hear that" (How did he find out how did Annie? There wasnt anyone near us unless peeta and Johanna became ghost. But no that not possible) "Well Johanna was there too"

"SO are you admiting you did it."

"No i only siad i was there" Drat why didnt i think to say thats not true

"So how did you find out?"

"Ohh Annie had a note from Peeta saying he was going on awalk with Johanna and he didnt return to no both you you were dead"

Darn it Nincompoop.

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