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Hello! Welcome to my one shot book! This is where all the rules are for your requests.

#1 I will do fluff, lime and smut. I don't think that I would be very good at angst but I am willing to give it a try.

#2 You may ask for any of the cannon characters as well as any of my OCs to be used in a one shot, but I will not be doing any one shots of your OCs. My OCs are introduced in my story called "The New Stick Figures" and that is where you will find out about at least a partial amount of what each of them are like.

#3 If you decide to see if I am going to do an art request then I'm afraid that I will have to decline. I am not an artist, and I find no enjoyment in drawing. Plus I am still figuring out WattPad, which is why the cover is terrible.

#4 Your requests will be organized so that I know exactly what you want in the one shot. Here is how I wish for your requests to be set up. (I'm really sorry if these seems to be a bit much but I want to make sure that I can make everyone happy without overwhelming myself while doing so.)

Stick figures in the one shot: (insert the two that you chose)
Relationship status before the one shot moment: (dating or just friends?)
Type of one shot: (fluff, like, smut, or perhaps angst?)
Top (only if smut or lime was chosen): (insert one of the two stick figures that you chose or you can put in that they switch off a few times if you chose lime)
Set up: (basically where do you want them to be?)

If at anytime you want the stick figures humanized then you have to specifically request that and if you want the one shot to be even more specific then add in the details that you would like to put in, such as someone walks in on them or that it goes from fluff to lime, things like that.

#5 The OPEN sign at the top means that I am taking requests, if it says CLOSED then I am currently working on requests and not taking any more at the moment because I have too many requests to do.

That's all for the rules. This book will be updated constantly as long as I keep getting requests. Remember that you can send multiple requests and request the same ship twice. This I information chapter may be updated so keep an eye out just in case. Anyways, I hope you enjoy!

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