Asahi: Daughter of the Moon

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Story idea: There's a school called Higurashi that has been getting better after their new captain took over. The captain has a female body; however, according to her birth certificate, she is male. No, the captain is not transgender. I actually wanted a more complex idea regarding who they are. Unfortunately for a team, their captain being seen as trans has caused some confusion and problems that hold back the team. This isn't really an 'x reader', but you can imagine it to be seeing as there's no name or features stated.

Silver light
She turned her face up to the starlit sky
The team captain lay in her cold hospital bed. Turning her face to the star filled sky, she rested with a sorrowful smile.

And on this night began to wonder why
Looking back on everything, she never tried to do anything wrong. She supposed that maybe she had completed the family curse.

She knew that soon the day would come
Soon enough, the woman would be no more. The cursed adult would be forced to hide her body and act as a male for life.

Born to be
An heir of beauty and serenity
The curse went as goes: On one cold summer day, a baby girl more beautiful than anyone else would be born at the cost of a male heir. In order to stop the curse, every female twin ever born must be killed on spot. By killing the devil, the male shall live and carry on life.

Into this world she entered quietly
Even at birth, the little child was quieter than a mouse. Never once did she speak out of turn. Even before birth, she could tell she was unloved and destined to become someone she had taken away.

To her surprise she was the one Destiny was close behind her
Out of every other third year, coach chose her to be captain. Destiny followed behind and mocked the female to remind her that all that is is temporary. That next year, they won't need her anymore. They'll be all grown up. They'll learn to hate her.

Phantom of borrowed life
Behind her in the glass window, she could see the reflection of a boy just like her, identical.

And the sea was a reminder
The troubled sea off in the distance brought back memories of her childhood without him.

Mirror of given light
Her face mirrors his expression. They are one of the same.

Then one day
The sign she'd waited for in skies of grey
Traversed a winding road and came her way
Her heart felt less heavy that day she met him. He stood in the line of first years so resolute. His skills were sharper than sharpened scissor that swiftly carry out their job. His physique sculpted to perfection.

She found the love she hoped she would
His eyes were so captivating. There he was, the one she loved. Staring out at the sea.

But she knew
Realisation struck the girl that night.

That she had promises to stay true to
The dormant daughter of the silver moon
At the beginning of adolescence, she made the oath to never pursue love and to never give up her body to someone. In truth, she was bound to never keep love or show it in any form. Whether it was a kiss or her virginity mattered not.

Then all at once she understood
The vision of the deceased vanished as the hospital room door broke open with a loud bam. Once again, she saw a person, but this one happened to be much older and more feminine than the former being.

Destiny was close behind her
The captain was able to still hear the hag's breathing as she attempted to block out the witch's presence.

Phantom of borrowed life
The girl had stolen her brother's life. She was the curse. Born more beautiful than any other human. Obedient and faithful to her family. At birth, the heir had died while she lived. She was born at the cost of a life.

And the sea was a reminder
Mirror of given light
From the sky
She watched the life
She'd known she would leave behind
"Well, brat, you got what you wanted. Are you satisfied now?" the old woman's cigarette-stained voice interrupted her lonely mind and its toxic, suffocating thoughts. "Ugh, whatever. You have quitted that nonsensical blabber. Put on a better outfit. No one wants to see your stupid face and cursed body. Damn demon child killed my grandson."

Said goodbye
Looking out the window once more, she dreamt of the game and its outcome. How she could have changed it and her fate. How she could have played for fun instead of playing for someone to notice her. How she could have just acted like a man and not inflicted so much pain on her team indirectly. How she could have just accepted the offer she was given and bared with the injury, so others would be able to walk through the hellflames unscathed by rumors, insults, and blood.

And gave her people
Life through her sacrifice
She fell to the ground after her hand slammed the ball down. Pain went rushing to her left knee and ankle. Cheers bubbled forth from the crowd and Higurashi's team, ignoring the tormented child. No one cast a single glance their way. No one gave an ounce of sympathy. Except for one player. He possessed long dark hair that was tied back in a ponytail and had a hairband too. And when he offered his hand to her, and his hair fell down, honestly, he looked like Jesus. The male pulled the injured girl up and brought her over to the bench.

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