Who Are You!

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I would say listen to the song
magic wand - Tyler, the Creator
Or listen to what you want! :)


I jumped in from of someone and held my broad in front of me and the person so the built doesn't hit them or me. "Go with everyone else and be careful!" I told them. They nodded and ran towards the rest of the protesters.

I looked back at those pigs and rolled my eyes at them. All we were doing was being peaceful! I swear they really do be getting on my last nerves. If I could I would punch them as hard as I can.

I'm still kinda surprised that so many people came..even though the virus is still a thing! But that honestly didn't stop me for what's right! I haven't noticed that I've been thinking for a long time..when I felt someone move me.

I looked at the person and they also had riot gear on. I looked up at them since they were way taller than me! "Uh...ma'am you need to be careful next time!" He told me but it was muffled by the mask he had on.

"Wait what happened?" I was honestly confused what happened? I thought to myself. "You almost got shot at and you also had cops coming for you!" He explained to me "oh..I hadn't realized..sorry, thank you by the way!"

"It's okay just be careful!" He looked at me in the eyes. He had really beautiful amber eyes. I couldn't look away..but I knew I had to or else it would be awkward! But there so pretty!!

I started to notice the pigs were coming closer to us! I grabbed his hand and ran. We ran to where the rest of the protesters were. I let go of his hand and we stayed side by side.

The protest had gotten more violent as the day passed by. I noticed all person wearing riot gear but was yelling at those pigs. She was tall..kinda reminded me of Athena to be honest! I just keep staring at her the whole time watching in amusement.

I felt a light tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see the person I've been by all day. I just realized I didn't even ask for his name! That's so mean of me ugh!! "Are you okay?" He asked me with concern in his voice.

"Yea I'm fine!...I just realized that I didn't ask for your name that's so mean of me I'm so sorry!" I honestly felt kinda embarrassed "it's okay don't worry! I didn't even ask myself! My names Josh!" He smiled at me "what's yours?"

"Well Josh it's nice to me you I'm Freya!" I smiled in return "that's a nice name! It's nice to meet you to Frey!" I smiled at the nick name. We both turned forward when we heard people screaming.

I ran to the tear gas and threw it back at pigs, this time harder so it can hit one of them. Josh was right beside me helping a lady we got gas on her eyes. I grabbed the water and poured it on her eyes starting from the inner eye.

We wiped her face with a rag and took her to the medics since she got a rubber built shot at her. UGH THESE DAMN PIGS ARE MAKING ME MORE MAD!

I turned and looked at the pigs eyeing each and every one of the souls. From the corner of my eyes I can see the girl from earlier yelling at them. She also looked pissed and mad.

The protest had finally finished. Josh and I where walking back to our houses when all of a sudden we heard a loud bang. We turned around and saw some protesters throwing fireworks! I laughed and continued walking.

"omg i just realized that I live like 2 hours away from here!" Josh yelled I laughed "do you wanna stay at mine? I don't mind if you do!" I looked at him to see his facial expressions

"Are you sure? I don't wanna be intruding you and your roommates privacy! Plus you don't even know if I'm a murder or not!" Josh rumbled until I stoped him from walking and made him turn towards me even though he's way taller!

"It's fine! Plus I'm pretty sure she won't mind one bit! And if you were a murder I would have known from the beginning since you did save me from the built!" I reassured him "plus if you wanted me dead or hurt you wouldn't have moved me out of the way!"

Josh looked at me for a sec "fine I will and your right! I just kinda freaked out a little! I'm sorry.." we continued to walk to my car.

We made it home and I grabbed some of my brothers old clothes that he left when he came over the other night. I gave the clothes to Josh "I hope they fit!" I laughed as I handed him the clothes.

"I'm pretty sure they do!" He laughed as well. I took a shower in my bathroom. Josh took one after me. I put some black sweat pants and a red crop top.

I went into the kitchen to make us something to eat since we haven't ate all day. I heard a noice behind me. I turned around and saw Josh walking towards me. I handed him the plate and cup.

I took his dirty clothes to the washer and put them in and started the washer. I went back into the kitchen and grabbed myself the plate I made for myself.

We finished eating and we headed to sleep. I went to my room as he went into the guess room.


1021 words!!

No that's not tank or riot! It's her new best friend that's a boy! Hope you guys like him!

Here's part 2! Do you guys like it?

By the way thanks for reading this it means a lot to me! :)


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