Athena's Friends!

123 6 15

That's how Freya looks ^
Listen to the song
Tomorrow - kali Uchis
Or any song you'd like


As I drove we kept arguing about who's going to shower first "NO ITS GONNA BE ME!" "Uh yea no YOU'RE SLOW!" "AM NOT! HOW MUCH YOU WANNA BET IM GETTING IN FIRST!"

"BET FINE 20$" I parked the car and ran towards the door I struggled to open the door as Josh kept on going in my way. "MOVE JOSH!" "NO IM GONNA GET MY 20$"

We pushed and shoved each other. I opened the door which caused us to fall on the floor. I got up and yelled "ATHENA GET HIM!" I ran into the living room as Josh came behind me.

"GET BACK HERE FREY!" "NEVER IM GONNA WIN! WAHAH!" I stoped as I went behind the door and hid. I heard him come closer

"Where is she?" He asked Athena as I walked behind him and made a run for it only to be stopped by hands grabbing my waist and caring me. "PUT ME DOWN!" I laughed and fought

"NEVER!" I looked up and saw some unfamiliar faces. I looked at Athena then back at them, then back at Athena I smiled that them.

"Athena can you help me!" I laughed as she came up to josh and she pulled me away from him. I turned around and Looked back at the to unfamiliar faces

"Hi I'm Freya!" I waved at them, they waved back "hey I'm Ryder and this is David!" The one with dreadlocks introduced him self and his friend. I smiled at them

"So your the famous Freya Athena has been telling us about!" David looked at me and smiled. "Yea I guess I am!" I smiled back "oh yea Freya they're gonna stay the night today is that fine?" "Yea it is you can bring anyone over anytime Athena!" I smiled

"Oo by the way Freya did something at the protest that probably could have gotten her arrested for if I didn't pull her away!" Athena looked at me

"Um no what are you talking about?!" I looked at Josh and gave him the look as he laughed "what did she do?" Athena just started at me

"She got mad at a cop and grabbed them by the collar!" He smirked as I rolled my eyes "what else did she do I know that's not the rest!" Athena asked Josh who just laughed

"She yelled at him and punched him really really hard! Then after that she pushed him!" Athena just laughed and walked over to me "why did you do that?"

"Well you see he pushed a girl younger than me and I was already mad because they where begging disrespectful so I grabbed him, socked him in the face and pushed him!" I smiled innocently she looked at Ryder and David

"See I'm telling you she freaking crazy!" They laughed and nodded their head "you aren't afraid of anything?" David asked me "nah why should I be?!" I shrugged and walked towards the kitchen to grab water

"Damn...and I'm over here scared of you!" Athena looked at me and I just stuck my middle finger at her. We all laughed "okay well it was nice meeting you guys I'm gonna take a shower now!"

I walked away as Josh just rolled his eyes and sat on the couch defeated. I laughed and walked into my room. I hoped into the shower and did what u usually do.

I got out and changed into some black sweat pants and a big graphic t-shirt. I let my curl hair dry as I washed my mouth and add all the things I do to my hair and face.

I walked out into the kitchen and grabbed ice Cold water. I walked over to Josh and say right by him "you owe me 20$" I whispered with a smirk on my face. He pulled out 20$ and gave them to me.

I kinda felt bad so I gave them back to him. "Here I feel bad take them back." I put the money in his hands "what no keep them!" He gave them back.

"No take them back!" I began to get annoyed "NO! You won the bet so you keep them!" "OMG! No!" "Yes keep it Frey!" He looked at me and laughed

"OMG! JUST TAKE THE GODDAMN MONEY JOSH!" I yelled as I put the money back in his hand "NO FREYA NO!" "UGHHH!!" I stood up and he also stood up standing front of me

"Josh just take the money back..!" I tried to stay calm "Freya just keep the money!" I just started at him. Then out of no where I felt dizzy.  Everything was spinning.

"Hey Frey you okay?" Josh voice sounded muffled like if he had the mask on still. I felt myself fall into him. "It's really hot in here!" I was sweating!

"Someone get her cold water!" Athena yelled as Ryan ran into the kitchen to get me cold water. I felt my eyes slowly close. I was now Leaning one Josh as we sat on the floor.

David came to us and touched my head "guys she's burning hot!" He yelled and they gave me water. I drank it but still felt hot. I felt as if I'm in an oven. 

I looked at everyone as they all looked at me and asking me questions. Out of nowhere evening went black...


957 WORDS!

Finally Tank and Riot show up!

I know you guys wanted them!! 😏

I hope you guys liked this part!!

I'll try to make these more interesting.. I kinda didn't know what to do!

Get ready for the next chapter!!

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