Forms And Slots

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Hello again!

We will be accepting all genres, and all judges, but first there are some rules for that.

Unfortunately, I have no idea how many people will be joining, so we have to start out with a low bar. Obviously, if there are enough people asking to be let into a category, we will be accepting, but for now, here are the slots.

Action: 5/5 CLOSED
Fantasy: 5/5 CLOSED
Fiction: 5/5 CLOSED
Historical Fiction: 4/5
Sci Fi: 5/5 CLOSED
Horror: 5/5 CLOSED
Romance: 10/10 CLOSED
Teen Lit: 10/10 CLOSED
Poems/Art Books/Etc: 4/5
Short Stories/ One Shots: 6/10
Fan Fiction: 10/10 CLOSED
Spiritual: 5/5 CLOSED
Vampire/Werewolf: 9/10
Mystery/ Thriller: 5/5 CLOSED

Tell me if I'm missing anything!

Action: 1/1 CLOSED
Fantasy: 2/2 CLOSED
Fiction: 1/1 CLOSED
Historical Fiction: 1/1 CLOSED
Sci Fi: 1/1 CLOSED
Horror: 1/1 CLOSED
Romance: 2/2 CLOSED
Teen Lit: 2/2 CLOSED
Poems/ Art Books/ Etc: 1/1 CLOSED
Short Stories/ One Shots: 1/1 CLOSED
Fan Fiction: 1/1 CLOSED
Spiritual: 0/1
Vampire/Werewolf: 2/2 CLOSED
Mystery/ Thriller: 1/1 CLOSED


Alright, here's the part where YOU do something on this book, the part you've been waiting for!

Remember: Part of the rules is to follow all main host accounts!

You must put:

For Writers:

Your Username?

The Genre Of Your Book?

The Title Of Your Book?

Maturity or LQBTQ+?

Rules Followed?


Remember: Part of the rules is to follow all main host accounts!

For Judges:

Your Username?

What Genres You Would Like To Judge?

If You're Okay With Mature And LQBTQ+?

What Fandoms You're In?

Rules Followed?


Alright, you may put your comments here----


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