Truth Be Told

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Raelynn's POV

It has been a couple hours since I have talked to Kaiba, but I have a good feeling about him. It just seems like he is a good fit for Kathryn, but then again there is something that she doesn't know. 

"So, she's going to San Francisco right now?" The familiar voice asked over my phone speaker.

"Yes, she is. She's with Seto Kaiba, going to some place called Industrial Illusions." 

"Great, I'll see her there. Thank you, for letting me know. I miss Kathryn so much, why the hell did she even move there to be with you?"  

"I couldn't tell you. She claims to be with me and to see new places, but in reality she believes you're dead. Honestly, if my dad did what you did then I would believe you were dead too."

"I faked my death, Rae. She was too dumb to believe it. I mean, come on. I didn't even get to cum inside her." Him saying that sent shivers down my spine.

"Well, I didn't need to know that. When she came to live with me after you did that, we found out your sentence of 2 years. You deserved longer than that, but too bad she doesn't know that you're looking for her." 

"Is this Seto Kaiba her boyfriend?"

"I have no idea. I doubt it, since he is her boss. He hired her to watch his younger brother while he works at his company."

"It wouldn't surprise me if they were fucking. Her mother was a whore back then, and God does she look like her."

"I don't want to picture her and a rich douchebag having sex. Just because you're ex-wife was a whore back then doesn't mean Kathryn is one too. I mean, you did RAPE her. She was also hospitalized for almost a week because of you. Don't do anything to her if you see her, because Seto Kaiba also has bodyguards."

He then scoffed on the other line and hung up. I laid down on my bed and just looked at my wallpaper on my phone. 

Kathryn and I in our caps and gowns during graduation. She was such a beautiful soul. I just wished she knew the truth.

Seto Kaiba's POV

I stayed awake and checked our route time. 

3 more hours. Almost there.

I let Kathryn sleep since she only got almost an hour before, even though she insisted and have me sleep. I just work so much that sometimes I don't even know what sleep is. She was in the back covered up in her blanket and using her bag as a pillow. She looked so peaceful sleeping, but I didn't want to disturb her. 

I keep thinking of that heated kiss we shared, it felt too real to be fake. That stupid pocky game is something my little brother would play with some girl his age. I feel like an idiot to steal a kiss from her like that. Too bad I had to share my first kiss with her over a game.

"S..Seto?" She said softly. I looked back to look at her and she was barely awake. I just let her be, maybe she's dreaming? 

A few moments pass and she called my name again, but a little louder this time.

"Seto?" I looked back at her again and she was sitting up with the blanket wrapped around her like a cocoon.


"When we land, can we get something to eat?" I sighed.

"Fine, what are you hungry for?"

"I don't know yet.." I mentally facepalmed as I just watched the sky.

"Well, you have a little over 2 hours to decide. We're almost there." 

"Oh, okay." She comes up, kisses my cheek, and sits in her seat. Pulls her hair tie out of her hair and adjusts it. She pulls it into a messy bun and looks at me smiling.

"Can I help you?" I asked her, as I'm watching her from the corner of my eye.

"Not really, I just like looking at you." A slight blush appeared on my cheeks and a small smile followed. "I just can't believe that I'm dating my boss. I mean, look at me." I did, I did look at her.

"What about you?" Her smiled disappeared, and so did mine. "Are you comparing yourself to me?" I asked with all seriousness. Kathryn nodded.

"Of course I am. When I first thought of being here with you, I couldn't help but think that me, an American girl that is literally nothing special could be getting a job offered by one of the richest men in the world when I didn't even have a job lined up like Raelynn did." Kathryn began to fiddle her thumbs.

"You could consider yourself lucky. You are my first girlfriend, did you know that?" She shook her head.

"As a matter of fact, no. But, I will say that I am lucky even though you're kind of a prick." My famous smirk came on my face.

"I am a prick. But, you don't have to compare yourself to me. Yugi and his dorky gang might, but there's no need for you to." I shifted my jet to go a little lower towards the city of San Francisco as I see it peer under the clouds. "Now, pick where you want to get breakfast. It's approximately 8am here."


This chapter lowkey sucks and I'm sorry. I just needed to do a small filler during the rest of the jet ride. But now, they're almost to the city in California!

Read on and see what's next!

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