The Duel that Changes Everything Part 3

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Previously in That Brown Eyed Girl..

"I play my magic card, Pot of Greed!" I drew 2 cards from my deck which were a monster and a trap. My level 3 Reptile Warrior and Secret Barrel, I already know my plan. "I place one card face down, and I play the continuous spell card, Toll! As long as this card remains on the field, you have to give up 500 life points to attack!"

"Great job, Kathryn!" I heard Mokuba cheer. "You and my big bro can win this duel!"

"We plan on it sweetie!" I yelled back smiling. He really is the best kid I know.

"Rookie move. Let me show you how the pros do it, daughter." I flinched when my so-called dad called me his daughter. He drew his card and he played a monster in attack mode. "I summon my Mechanicalchaser to the field in attack mode! Then, I play the magic card Goblin Thief! This special card allows me to inflict 500 damage to my opponent while I gain 500. So Kathryn, say bye to 500 of your life points!"

"Damn it!"

"Mechanicalchaser! Attack my daughter directly!" I just took another 1850 points of damage. At this rate, Seto and I won't be able to get Mokuba back. "Haha! Now with just 250 life points Kathryn, you and Kaiba will be done for!"

Seto's POV

It's now my turn, and with the move that Kathryn made was risky. She's lucky to only have 250 life points left. Good thing my Blue Eyes will be the victor of this duel. I drew my card, revealing my well known spell; Enemy Controller. I looked at the other 3 cards I had in my hand; Blue Eyes White Dragon, Bottomless Trap Hole, and Kaiser Sea Horse. Good.

"I set one card face down and I summon my Kaiser Sea Horse in attack mode."

"Don't forget, Kaiba! With Pegasus' Swords of Revealing Light, you or Kathryn can't attack!" Brian said.

"You don't think I know what a card does you imbecile? I've been playing this game longer than you destroyed Kathryn's life!"

"Seto Kaiba!" I looked at Kathryn, she seemed pissed. "Stop it! You're not going to make us win with your snarky remarks! Especially the ones that deals with my passed! Let it go!"

A few seconds passed of silence, then I ended my turn.

"Yay, it's my turn!" Pegasus drew his card and continued. "I put a new toon monster I have in attack mode! Here is my Toon Masked Sorcerer!" The toon came up on the field, but now his Toom Mermaid can attack! "Toon Mermaid! Attack Kathryn directly and make her lose the duel and make Brian and I the victors!" We're going to lose!

"No, Pegasus! Seto and I just won!" Kathryn hollered at Pegasus.

"What?! How!" Pegasus exclaimed.

"My Secret Barrel trap card!" The card popped up, activating it's effect. "You lose 200 pounds for every card in your hand, and on the field! You have your 2 toon monsters, Toon World, and 2 more cards in your hand! You lose 1000 life points, which is more than enough to wipe you out of the duel, and losing Brian as well! Making Seto and I win this duel!"

"NO! Impossible!" Both opponents scream as Pegasus' life points hit zero.

Kathryn barely saved herself from this attack, and I'm surprised she knew how to use that card so quickly. Her first duel was a tag team with me, against one of my biggest enemies and her own rapist father.

By the shock of the loss, the servants of Pegasus let Mokuba slip out of their grasp, and he ran to both Kathryn and I.

"Seto! Kathryn!" Mokuba screamed with tears streaming down his face as he hugged us.

"Well, well. This was quite a show." I saw Kathryn look away from us hugging my brother and she sees some girl walking up by her father, Brian Wettekin.

"Raelynn!?" She yells. She stayed by my side and I felt very uncomfortable tension between those 2 girls and Brian himself.

Kathryn's POV

"Raelynn?!" I yelled, noticing she was standing by my rapist dad.

"Hey! Congratulations on winning with Kaiba. You know, if it wasn't for him, I wouldn't be here." She winked.

"Well, I bet! I mean, you are my best friend! Come here, so I can give you a hug!" I said, excitedly, but she didn't budge.

"If it wasn't for me, your father wouldn't be here either." What?

"Woah, what? What are you talking about?" This made no sense. Why would my best friend contact my father?

"Don't tell me you didn't catch on yet."

"I'm confused. Did you contact him to come here after you got off the phone with my boyfriend?!" I yelled, pissed off knowing EXACTLY where this was going.

"Oh, so you are dating? Well that's one piece of information I forgot to tell Brian. I bet he wouldn't approve of you 2 being together." Rae winked.

"You snake!" Seto said. "Why would you do this! I told you where we were going because you were worried about Kathryn's whereabouts." He screamed, with Mokuba clenching to him.

"Because obviously Brian missed his daughter. Why wouldn't I let my 'best friend' see what she's missing out?"

"I'm not missing out on a raping psycho!" I screamed at her. "What about Joey?! His friends? OUR FRIENDSHIP!?"

"Ha, forget about it. They didn't know about my plan on getting you back with your father. I wouldn't worry too much about them."

"What did you do!"

"Please. You need to know the truth, Kathryn. Face me in a duel then you will know about everything about Brian. You will know everything about me too." I swallowed as she grinned.

"What are you talking about! What are you hiding?" Seto asked, with his famous venom in his voice. "We got Mokuba back. That was the deal, so we will be leaving."

"If you leave, Kathryn. Then all of your belongings back in Domino will be burned. You're memories will be gone. You will have nothing to go back to." Raelynn laughed.

"I don't need to duel you to see the truth. I can already see it in your eyes. I can already hear it through your teeth. I have clothes with me since we planned on being here for a week. If you were my 'best friend', you wouldn't have done this." I said to her, feeling tears fill my eyes.

She was left speechless as Seto, Mokuba and I walking away towards our hotel.

Okay! Rae is a bitch.

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