Chapter 1

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It was 12 pm when I woke up. Today I'm going to the protest so I got out of bed and put on all black clothing that covered my arms and legs, they can't identify me this way. I put on a black beanie to cover my hair and went to quickly eat some breakfast. Some people must've already been at the protest by now since I woke up pretty late. I grabbed my mask and the sign I made last night that says, "Black Lives Matter!" then I headed out to the protest.

When I first got there, it was pretty peaceful. There was someone making a speech and other people dancing, showing off their culture. It was truly a beautiful sight, I then turned my head up to the front of the crowd. I noticed that at the front of the crowd, there seems to be some commotion going on with a cop and a very tall man dressed from head to toe in gear that seemed to be something off of Call of Duty. He seemed to be talking down to a cop, he towered over them making him look very intimidating. I decided to walk up to the small circle to see what was happening.

Suddenly, I saw a cop reaching down to his waistband for a can which he then threw. Everything had become foggy and it was difficult to see, screams of pain shot out from all directions, the cop had thrown teargas! You felt the burning sensation in your eyes as you drop to the floor on your knees. You tried your best to keep your eyes open to prevent the teargas to go deeper into your eyes, but the gas burned so much that you couldn't help yourself. As you tried crawling your wait out, you felt two strong arms pick you up bridal style carrying you away. You could feel the armor on their chest, suspecting that it must've been the tall guy from earlier.

He gently placed you on the ground, you began to feel a cold liquid being poured over your face. Slowly your vision was coming back to you. As you blinked repeatedly you looked over to see the guy who helped you. "Are you okay?" he asked looking concerned at your body to see if there was any other injuries on you. "N-no...thank you for saving me," you said. The man was wearing a helmet which prevented you from seeing who he was so you ask what his name was. "You can call me Tank, what's yours?" He was so polite and you felt a familiar feeling of butterflies in your stomach. "My name is y/n, nice to meet you." You hadn't realized how much time had gone by when you check your phone. It was nearly curfew and your house was so far away from where you were. He noticed the slightly worried look on your face and then coincidentally said, "You should spend the night at my place, curfew is pretty soon and it's not safe to be lurking around those hours"

"No no! It's all right, I only live a couple of blocks away from here." In reality, that was a lie you lived more than just a few blocks.

"Please, I insist. I would feel too bad knowing that you might be hurt."

After a bit of bickering on whether or not you'll stay, you finally give in. You follow behind him towards his car, noticing how truly small you are compared to him, how attractive he looks even though you have no clue how his face looks. You feel blood rush up to your cheeks. Trying your best to shake those thoughts away from your mind, we both arrive to his car and he opens the car door for you. You blush at his kind gesture and mumble a small thank you.

When you enter the car you see him take off his gloves to grip the wheel more comfortably. His fingers are long and the veins in his hand flex slightly when he curls his long fingers around the steering wheel. You stare, thinking about how it would feel for his big hands to be around your neck- you then hear him chuckle as he glanced at you. For the rest of the car ride, you kept yourself facing the window trying to suppress a blush every time you think of the small incident.

Finally arriving at his house, you step out of the car and enter his home. His home is well decorated and it gives off a cozy vibe. You soak in the warm smell of vanilla as you enter his house, you wouldn't have expected for a guy like him to have such an adorn home. "The bathroom is down the hallway to the right, I'll go get you some of my clothes for you to wear."

You smile and thank him as you headed down the hallway. When you got there you began to strip your clothes and enter the shower. You hiss at the feeling of the cold water running down your body, the door opens and you just assume its Tank putting the clothes in the bathroom. Fortunately, the shower door is glass so he could see your entire naked body. He stares for a second too long and turns on his heel most likely blushing.

When you finished washing all the dirt and grime off your body, you step out and dry your body with a towel. You then put on the boxers and t-shirt he gave you. The shirt runs all the way down to your knees due to him being abnormally tall and you being so small. You look at yourself in the mirror noticing how terrible you really look, your eyes are still red from the tear gas and your hair is a mess. Making yourself slightly more presentable, you step out into the kitchen and see a man making some food. He turns around to see you and gives you a warm smile. "I thought I could make some food for us since you probably haven't eaten since you left your place."

Your mouth is left slightly agape as you gawk at how beautiful the man standing in front of you is. He has green eyes with small specs of hazel around the pupil, a distinct sharp jaw, and a symmetrical face. Parts of his ravishing hair stick out in peculiar places, his grey sweats and the navy blue t-shirt he's wearing that fits rather tightly on his body shows off his large muscles.

"Earth to y/n..? Are you gonna stare at me all night or would you like to eat? You'll have more than enough time to stare at me later."

You snap out of your trance and apologize for staring like a weirdo, he chuckles at your flustered face and beckons you to come to sit. "I cooked you some scrambled eggs because that's really all I can cook," the large man says with a nervous laugh at the end.

"It's all good! I don't mind." You say with a friendly smile. He seems satisfied with that so he begins to eat. You both begin to talk about the protests and the BML movement.

You become even more curious about this stranger you just met so you ask more about him. "What your real name? Like besides your informal name, Tank."

"Sorry can't tell you that, Princess." Your stomach flutters with butterflies when he calls you the cute pet-name.

"All right! You can take the bed while I sleep on the couch," Tank says as he gets up putting his dish away.

"No! I can sleep on the couch, I don't want to steal your bed from you. You've already helped me enough!"

"You're my guest, you should take my bed." He says with a frown forming on his face.

"Okay...well what about we make a deal? We can share the bed."

Tank looks at you to see if you're serious and agrees.

Following Tank towards his bedroom, you admire his alluring back. When you arrive in his room, you look around to see his simple yet pleasant room. You head over to his bed and curl onto the left side of the bed. "I sleep I hope you don't mind," Tank says as he strips his shirt. You look at his appealing bare chest through the corner of your eye. He has beautifully toned abs and acute v-line. You blush at the sight of his fit body, he slides under covers next to you, his back facing you.

As you feel yourself drifting off, you subconsciously snuggle up against his back and fall into a peaceful slumber.

Welp! That was the first chapter to my first ff, I've never wrote a story before so sorry if it's bad. Anyhow, do you guys want there to be drama? If so what?

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