Chapter 4

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There was a knock at the door and Mateo let's go of y/n to go answer it. They knock again, this time more urgent. I wonder who this is, y/n think. Mateo answers the door and recognizes the person at the door as Alejandro's girlfriend. "Is he here?" She says with a hint of sass in her voice. "Uh, yeah he is hold on let me go get him," Mateo says. He calls out for Alejandro to come and he enters the room.

"Hi, Aaliyah! I missed you!" Alejandro says sweetly when he sees her.

Aaliyah...huh must be his girlfriend or something.

Aaliyah shoves Mateo aside and walks up to Alejandro.

Rude much, y/n glares at the new stranger she just met.

"What's wrong?" Riot asks with concern in his eyes.

"Where the fuck has your ass been this time?" She snaps.

"I called you so many times last night, but you just couldn't seem to bother and answer!"

"I'm sorry, I haven't checked my phone since I left yesterday. I spent the night here at Mateo's place because I couldn't get near my car yesterday."

Mateo looked over at me grimacing.

"BULLSHIT!" Aaliyah screams while pushing at Alejandro's shoulders.

Y/n flinches at her raised voice and Mateo notices this but decides to brush it off.

"Look I'm sorry! I should've called you, I know." Riot responds guiltily.

"You're always at those stupid fucking protest! You can't even spend time with me anymore!"

That's when the girl had hit a nerve. Alejandro had balled his fists, his knuckles going white from anger, "They are not fucking stupid...why can't you ever just support me?"


"You do realize how selfish you sound right now? I'm fighting for a good cause and all you care about is how much time I'm spending with you." Alejandro calmly says. You're quite surprised that he's kept his composure.

"I really do not care about that stupid Black Lives Matter bullshit."

"You're coming home with me right now," Aaliyah spits out sourly as she turns around heading towards the door.

"I am not going anywhere with you," Alejandro says infuriated.

"What did you fucking say?" Aaliyah says turning back around.

"You heard me," he says glaring at the shorter girl.

Aaliyah slaps Riot across the face and that's when Tank finally seemed to find his voice.

"Get out of my house before I call the goddamn police," Mateo says sternly going in front of Riot defensively. She glares at Riot one last time and stomps out of the house making sure to slam the door making y/n flinch once again. You turn to Alejandro in uneasiness, waiting for him to say something. He was still dazed by everything that happened.

"Sorry," is the first thing he says after a long minute.

"Don't be, you shouldn't apologize for something like that." Y/n says softly.

" can stay here at my place for as long as you'd like. It's probably best if you don't go back there right now." Mateo says.

"Yeah..thanks," Riot says as he gets up making his way towards the bathroom.

You stare off into the distance in worry if he'll be okay. Mateo seems to read your mind and

says, "He'll be okay." He gives you a reassuring smile. You scratch the back of your neck and ask, "Mateo, do you think you can drive me back to my place?"

He looks at you, his eyes saddening. "What?" You ask curiously.

"You want to leave already?" He asks.

Giggling at this you shake your head, "I have to! I have an animal eagerly waiting for me to come back home, I have to go back before he thinks I've abandoned him!"

His eyes relax and smile, "You could just move in with me if you want."

"Seriously?" You ask in disbelief.

He nods vigorously. You bite your lip not knowing what to say. You were still unsure with everything, "You don't have to give me an answer now, just think about it," he tells you in the realization that it's probably a bit too early. You sigh in relief and you give him the address to your apartment. Mateo tells Alejandro that he'll be back in a bit and drives you to your place. When you walk into your house, you're greeted by your fluffy grey cat's meows.

"Hello, Felix! How've you been?" You say sweetly bending down to pet your cat.

Felix quickly notices the new guest and sniffs Mateo, he stands very still staring as though he's never seen a cat before. Felix head bumps Mateo's leg and you let out a laugh, "I think he likes you." Mateo lets out a small forced laugh and follows you towards your room. When you enter your room, Mateo gasps as he looks around at all the canvases laying around.

"'s a bit messy in here right now."

"You're an artist? I-I didn't know," Mateo says observing each painting.

"Ah, I just do it as a hobby. I'm not all that great but painting has always been an outlet for me," you say nervously fidgeting with your fingers.

"No! It's amazing, you're really good at it," he says, looking at you admirably.

"Thank you," you quietly say blushing.

"Well..uh, I guess I'll be going now," Mateo awkwardly says.

You feel a sinking feeling in your stomach seeing him go, you didn't want him to leave just yet.

"Wait!" You call out to Mateo right before he reaches the exit. He turns around raising an eyebrow, "Yes?"

"I've made up my mind. I want to move in with you," you say all in one breath leaving yourself huffing. Even though you just met this person, you feel as though you want to be with them for the rest of your life. His eyes light up in the excitement and he smiles widely, "Okay! I'll wait for you here," he says taking a seat in the living room. You smile and sprint off to your room.

You get a duffel bag and fill it with all your essentials like clothes, makeup, toothbrush, everything that you might need. You then get a separate bag to pack all of Felix's things like his litter box, bowl, toys, and cat food. Once you were done packing and double-checking you got everything you needed, you went out to the living room to see a sleeping Felix in Mateo's lap. He hadn't noticed you enter the room so you quickly take a picture of the adorable sight and then clear your throat.


He looks up to notice you smirking. He blushes and mumbles, "He is kinda cute..."

You chuckle and he takes the biggest bag in one hand while carrying Felix in the other.

"Ready to go?" He asks.



hagydbhjnzkma I'm prob gonna do a time skip in the next chapter by 2-3 months so be ready for that. anyyyywhooooo, thank u for reading the chapter <333

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