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ˏˋ°•*⁀➷  ALL EYES WERE CONCENTRATED ON THE TWO BOYS [ y/n ]'s interest was now peaked to the max

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ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ ALL EYES WERE CONCENTRATED ON THE TWO BOYS [ y/n ]'s interest was now peaked to the max. she curiously gazed upon the mysterious green haired boy awaiting for his response. although she knew his identity, she found this situation oddly entertaining. something about watching inazuma japan brainstorm in front of her is very satisfying.

"well i couldn't say." the green haired boy closed his eyes but his smile still lingered on his lips, he was obviously enjoying this.

"what on earth are you up to?"

"instead of asking questions all the time, why don't you get to the bottom of my identity if you're going to play detective?" he provoked, "besides, one of you already knows who i am." he smirked.

[ y/n ] never wanted to hit someone so badly aside from that man that cut in line when she was desperately hungry a few weeks ago. she'd rather cry herself to sleep than be seen as untrustworthy in the team's eyes. although she's been hiding quite a few things from them, that didn't mean she'd lied to hide it. she'd swear on her mother's life that she'd answer them honestly if they asked her politely, they just never did.

"anyway, today was fun. see you later." his waved at them, "let me hear you solve it the next time we meet. will you be able to unravel my riddle fully by then, i wonder?"

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

somewhere in inazuma japan's camp grounds, [ y/n ] was typing away on her laptop. she then heard a knock, expecting her pizza delivery she opened it with nothing in mind as she started thinking with her stomach. the door creaked open to reveal the visitor. much to her dismay, it was kidou yuuto, the talented playmaker. no pizza in sight.

"kidou?" she tilted her head and arched an eyebrow. the girl was hungry but now she has to deal with kidou's curiosity about ichihoshi with an empty stomach.

"can i come in?"

[ y/n ] stepped aside and signaled him to enter the room, she thanked the gods that she closed her laptop before she opened the door. she stepped outside to make sure no one was around to eavesdrop before kicking the door close.

kidou scanned the room before realization hit him. his red eyes that were masked behind his goggles shot wide open, this was his first time inside a girls room and yet— it looked quite simple. her bed was pushed against the right corner of the room and her desk that carried multiple trinkets and collectibles stood at the opposite side. there were a few shelves that occupied the empty spaces and a closet that looked like it could burst any minute.

"is there something you want to talk about, kidou?" [ y/n ] asked, acting dumb. she's well aware what kidou's here for but refused to say anything. she also knew damn well kidou wasn't the type to randomly talk about his day to someone he just met in private.

"i want to know more about ichihoshi mitsuru," kidou hesitated to talk about his suspicions, he had just met you. for all he knew, you could be on the same boat as ichihoshi. he'd rather keep his thoughts to himself for now before deeming you trustworthy.

"ichihosi hikaru? well in all honesty i don't really know much of that guy except.." she hesitated, she let out a big sigh before deciding on her choice of words. "he can't be trusted." her gaze piercing through his goggles to his red irises to express her seriousness.

"i would gladly tell you the details but i believe the coach wouldn't like that." [ name ] stated to the handsome short man in front of her, "but! the only advice i could give you now is to always keep your guard up. you'll find the answers you're looking for sooner or later."

"what if i told you i have my suspicions about you as well?" kidou asked her, his small adam's apple bobbed as he gulped, finally mustering the courage to voice his thoughts. "i would like to get to know you better. considering the fact that no one has ever heard nor know about you aside from the coach."

[ y/n ]'s eyes widen. to her, it sounded like she just earned a new friend however to kidou's perspective he was simply trying to feed his curiosity. he admits that he's interested in the girl but not in a romantic type of way, more like a mystery that he needed to solve.

"i see.." [ name ] whispered to herself, "then i'll be in you care kidou, but no personal questions."

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

the match between japana and australia had arrived. the benched players waited in anticipation for their turn as the managers observed the match that unfolded. australia was in the lead thanks to the mask they've created to hide their unfairly antics to the audience. moments were the players endure unfair gameplay that the crowd would never witness.

outside the field it seemed like team australia were regularly and normally stealing the ball but inside the field held a different story. teleportation and invisibility magically seemed to exist on the field they played.

"what do we do? we're in big trouble!" ootani cried, she looked at the coach with concerned eyes as she cluelessly observed his expression.

"indeed... this is a big problem.." he replied despite his response he didn't seem phased by the situation at hand. the coach looked up to see an unfamiliar female in front of him, "HUH?!" he exclaimed.

"who are you?"

"raimon natsumi." she introduced, her wayvy auburn hair danced with the wind as she stole everyone's gaze. "i've been investigating overseas teams as a reinforcement committee member. i brought a souvenir." the female stated, her sharp eyes that matched her hair met zhao jinyun's golden hues as she showed him a paper bag.

"thank you." he muttered before allowing his assistant to take the bag from her before sitting back down to his spot.

[ y/n ] looked at the new comer but her gaze didn't really last long as she switched her attention back to inazuma japan while wondering raimon natsumi's next actions.

"she's pretty cute, huh?" goujin wrapped his arms around mansaku's shoulder.

"stop it." mansaku whispered to the strange and weird forward and shrugged the gremlin off.

overhearing their conversation, nishikage let his thoughts overflow. it's undeniable that raimon natsumi's a beauty but in nishikage's mind; [ l/n ]'s outshines every girl he's ever seen and raimon natsumi was no exception. he would never admit it but his eyes would somehow land and linger on the pretty manager. he's never talked to her before but he eagerly desires to engage in a conversation with her someday or maybe even eat ice cream together in the future.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

drafted: june 24,2021
published: july 10, 2024
words: 1146

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