The Article

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I was in my room in the days Pickens day would be here i would stay away from that topic my mom was not a big fan of Pickens day once dressed

I was in my room in the days Pickens day would be here i would stay away from that topic my mom was not a big fan of Pickens day once dressed

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And at school i was infront of everyone helping Cher with her project as i flip the images

"As I was saying, each year, we honor the memory of General Pickens, yet few know the truth. Next H" i changed the picture

"That it was my great-great great-grandpappy Colonel Barnabas B. Blossom, who bankrolled General Pickens' settlement of, " Eden along the river of Sweetwater, where maple trees grow taller than the steeples of Europe's grandest cathedrals." Which is why every year I petition the mayor's office to rename Pickens Day." Then the bell rang

"Thank you for that, Cheryl. Mr. Jones, we look forward to your oral history report next week." She told him

"Thank you H for the help"

"Your welcome Cher" i walked out of class when i felt someone wrap their arms around me

"Hello my beauty" i giggled

"Hello my love" he kissed my cheek

"How was class"

"Boring as usually" he laughed the next day at the common room with the gang betty was talking about her brother

"Well, he's very fetching for someone who was living on Skid Row."

"Yeah, he's a hottie who looks incredibly familiar to me, by the way."

"Your adventures in the woods?"

"I don't know, but maybe if we were allowed to meet this hottie in person..."

"Chic's still acclimating. And I'm trying to get him to trust me, but my mom is treating him like he's a ten-year-old and my dad's acting like he's the devil's spawn."

"Well, I have an amazing idea. Bring The Omen to Pickens Day and we can all meet him. Everyone's coming, right?"

"No i can't I'm not allowed to be near it nor got to it"

"Why not"

"Her mom not a big fan of it and no one can change mind now that Heaven dad is back i think his going to feel the same way" said Evan

"And No, because the Serpents weren't invited."

"The Serpents were specifically asked to come."

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