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This is a fictional work. Names, characters, places and plots are purely made by the author's imagination. Any similarity to other stories are purely coincidental.

typos and grammatical errors, ahead.
please, bare with me. xd


"I want to see her smile again, even if it's not reality,
even if it doesn't belong to me."
- Naomi, Hello World

"Flight attendants, prepare for landing. Cabin crew, please take your seats for landing." The Captain announced.

A smile sculpted on my face.


"On behalf of This Airline, the flight crew would like to welcome you to This International Airport. We will be arriving at the gate momentarily. Please remain in your seats with your seat belt securely fastened until the aircraft has come to a complete stop at the terminal gate."

My heart beats frantic, I grew more frenzied as we were becoming nearer to our destined place. The place I've been longing to see and visit, the place that kept a lot of memories to reminisce, besides her, it was once my home.

As I stepped out of the airport, I felt the thick cold air hugged me making every inch of my body chilled.

"I miss this. This heart calming atmosphere." I uttered, inhaling the fresh breeze of the city.

A sudden vibration from my pocket notified me that someone had left a message. I kept my right hand inside the pocket of my pants and pulled the mobile phone out of it. As expected, friends of mine had message me asking if how was I. So, as I waited for the service of the hotel I arranged with to pick me up, I called my buddies and we had a little chitchat until the van came and with that we bid our goodbyes through the phone and got into the vehicle.

On our way to the hotel, I noticed how vast of structures have changed since I left this city. The architectural of its building had done modernistic, the environment of the place became squeaky-clean and even the people were responsibly following signboards along their ways.

My lips pulled to a small smile, realizing that it's been a long time and everything have change to what or who they are right now. Just like death, change is inevitable. It will always be part of our life and we should openly accept and go with it. An unexpected recollection came inside my head, feeling a twinge of missing and the hunger of seeing someone. The reason why I'm here. Why I came back on the first place.

Had she changed to a person I don't know already? Or is she still the lady I've loved in my heart a long time ago?

Memories with her were very vivid─ I remember how we grew up in this city. Became the best of childhood friends relationship, playing at the park before going home after school constantly, bully her, telling that she looks ugly of wearing hairpins even though I knew myself I was lying and those really suits her, and on every occasion we visit our favorite aesthetic places of the area, take pictures of it with us, eat at our favorite ice cream parlor because of its authentic theme, and when an exam will occur, we review each other so we were always part of the honorable students. But then, the best memory with her was when I started to love and create musics. She was always there to hear it, help me to improve and develop it to become better, Aemie invariably support me. We were the best team, I could say. Some envy us and some thought we meant for each other and so, I also thought of that too.

A voice spoke up, getting me back to my senses.

"Sir? We are now here at the Veronamisty Hotel." The driver told me and so I thank him and let myself out of the vehicle.

A staff of the hotel ran towards me, "Let me help you with your baggages, Sir." I smiled and nodded at him. When we reached my room, I expressed my gratitude to the helper and gave him some tip, at first he declined it but I insisted so he finally gave up and thanked me as well before leaving.

As soon as he left, I checked the time and its already 5:47 pm. I decided to take a shower first before tidying my things out since I bought only a little amount of clothes to wear, I will only stay here for two days and one night that's why. After a while, I finished my bath longer than I expected, spending almost an hour in the bathroom made myself mellow. I have to admit that this was a little pricey considering that this hotel is a deluxe yet it was so worth it. Like I said the designs were better than before, now touching everyone's eyes with just a glimpsed. Within only minutes, I finally managed to organized my belongings, the time was almost eight in the evening and I felt hungry however, a knock from my door startled me a little.

"Good evening Sir, dinner's now ready."

I stood up from my place and led my way to the door to open it, greeted the man also and welcomed him to my room.

"So, what are you serving for tonight?" I asked.

He presented me the food, "The dinner's main course is the Hungarian Beef Goulash, while the appetizer is assorted Maki, salad is the Classic French Salad while the dessert is the Mango-Panna Cotta."

"How 'bout beverages?"

"We have some juice, shake, soda and wine if you want, Sir."

"I'll take juice only and the wine for drinks, please." I told him and he nodded gladly, serving me the mouthwatering dishes infront of me and informed me to just leave the cart outside my room if I was finish eating. I told him yes and exited himself politely.

The foods were undoubtingly delicious, the quality of it were incredibly blending the sensation inside the mouth and even just only the smell were alluring. In fact, I couldn't finish the whole meal for I was so full already. As being told, I left the cart outside and got back to my room to brushed my teeth and settled myself to watched some movies before going to bed. I was deeply into the movies that I didn't notice the time, I went to my bed almost midnight and laid flatly on it. I tried to close my eyes, hoping to sleep but it never happened. I couldn't.

The fact of sleeping tonight and waking up tomorrow scares me for some reason. I knew things would go different starting tomorrow, the home I had once will be someone's new place of comfort, the brightest smile I never failed to see before will be someone's sunshine to the vast gray sky, the person I was dreaming to be with will be someone's reality for the rest of time and she was the gold of my life but the future holds that she is someone's treasure to keep more than I could do. All I could do was sigh and stare at her pictures, Aemie held an important role to my life. That everytime I do it, it's harder for me to forget the feelings, her presence being with me. It suffocates me.

I rose from the bed and made my way to the living room, poured a full glass of wine and drank it one-shot. Hoping to soothe the uneasy state of my mind and body, again and again I wined myself, thankful that the wine has its intoxicating taste burning through my throat until my stomach. As the time passed, I definitely felt how strong the wine makes as it's hitting me inside, and after some more time I was finally drunken and slept on the couch.

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