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"Love doesn't leave, we do."
- Michael Indemaio

I was force awaken as I felt the rays of bright light peeked from the large glass window, I shifted on my place and ducked my head under the pillow.

It's morning already.

My hand crawled to find my phone to checked the time but I was unable to. Little by little I opened my eyes and searched for it, I sat down and remembered what happened last night. I even wobbled when I stood up and growled as I felt the ache seeped in my head. For a second, I stopped from my place and slowly managed to get to the bedroom where I found my phone.

Time was 10:46 am.

I swore under my breath when I looked at the time. I was late for the ceremony and with my swiftest move, I got myself ready in just twenty minutes, my heart beats wildly that I could even hear it. I held the small envelope with a calligraphed invitation in it. I was really nervous for being late, but mostly the thing of not seeing her again made me feel sick of myself for drinking too much last night. I took a cab and told the driver to get me at the reception place, Monteverde Garden, thankfully it was close to where I am staying at. I could still make it not in time but like being said, it's better late than never.

On the road, I felt anxious, that time to time I checked my phone if someone might called or message but nothing popped up. I was only greeted by an image of two childs, having and making their own world happy. I smiled as I put my attention to the adorable little girl. At least now, even if she stopped making her own world happy, somebody will do it for her.

"Monteverde Garden."

I looked at the man and he smiled at me.

"Go on now, lad. I think you've got some serious appointment waiting for you in there." He told me.

I nodded, thanked and paid him before leaving, I watched as the vehicle sped up and continue its way to somewhere. I turned to face my back and as expected the place was large and in the middle of the garden, there built a beautiful brick building and surrounded by different types of expensive ravishing plants. A perfect place for couples.

I stared at it however, I eventually tore my gaze from the beanery and opened my cell phone to inform her that I've already arrived.

Her last message made me smile yet it wasn't enough to clear my mind for what about to happen

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Her last message made me smile yet it wasn't enough to clear my mind for what about to happen.

I walked to the back of the building without anyone noticing, the place was incredible at any spot of it, the scent of every flowers in the area and the wet land covered by grass mixed up well creating a fresh ambiance of the surrounding. As I reached the back, a comely fountain caught my attention so I approached it with long strides and stood behind it. Amaze of how it was made. The water was pure and clean, I could see the coins, wishes rather that were in there. Suddenly, I saw a shadow behind that made me turn around to look at it.

And there, a surprise face of Aemie greeted me. The sun lighted up her face, looking like she was glowing, a stunning view I would love to see everyday. My lips became uncontrolled that it shaped into a wide smile and she smiled back.

"You came." She said shortly and her voice was a little raspy since I noticed the trembling of her lips.

She was controlling her emotions towards me.

I scratched the back of my neck, a habit of mine. "Yea. Of course. I'm sorry I was just so late─" She launched herself on me hastily, hugged me as close as possible causing me to stupefied on my exact place.

She sobbed quietly, "I don't care if you're late. At least you came. You're here. You're really here, right? I'm not dreaming, right? Tell me."

I let go of her for a second and made an eye contact. "You're not dreaming. I am really here." And hugged her once again. If this would be my last chance, opportunity and day. I will take it.

We stayed like that for minutes and with only that short amount of time, I've already distinguished the changes of her. She sprung up and unfold maturity, her height increased and the scent of her cologne was now different however she still smells nice. Yet, some didn't change. Her eyes were still bright everytime the sun touches her face, her rosy lips which for me reflects the hue of the cherry blossom and those flush cheeks, I really wanted to touch one more time.

It was her who let go of me this time. "I miss you, Nico. I really do." She spoke with honesty.

"I am too." I answered back.

There was silence for a second.

"Why don't we go inside?" She invited and beamed at me.

"I don't want to. Besides, you're the reason why I came here, not them." I told her and she just nodded to my response. "Anyways, congratulations. You look genuinely gorgeous today." I admitted and she seems surprised to my self-confession but got herself together.

She shook her head and chuckled, "Thank you but it's, it's the gown. They pretty much paid expensive for it." I smiled, the always humble person that I admired since then. The moment I laid my eyes on her a while ago, she already got my focus. She wore the most beautiful lace wedding gown I've ever seen, perfectly showing the curves of her body. He really is lucky for marrying Aemie for she really is a fine woman.

"And the hair pins, those really suits you, you look adorable actually." And pointed at her head.

"Weird." She said. Not erasing the smile on her face. "Why are you telling me these? You never told me these before, actually, you always insult the way I look. This nice treatment of yours is odd." That's true though. I rarely gave her a nice compliment as I was busy making fun of her everytime we were together yet we always end it by just laughing it off.

Good times.

I gave her a fixed intent look, "Because I knew I would never have the chance again." I was being too honest that I caught her off guard. Perhaps, I will only make it awkward for us but that doesn't matter. We are in the reality. And I couldn't change the fact that she made me happy when she's with me and so I love her because of that but also, sad.

The smile on her face slowly disappeared. "You're right." She stuttered. For a moment, none of us talked and we only stared at each other as if we were both reading the emotions that were contained in ourselves.
"Did you really love me?" She queried then the muscles in her throat moved.

"I do."

"You still.. do." She spoke quietly. I nodded as response.

She inhaled a deep breathe, "Then why did you leave? Why would you that? You left me, Nicholai. Without even a single word, you departed." She snapped, her voice was annoyed as well as her demeanor.

I left her. That's right. I am the one who left her.

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