chapter 14 : harder than expected

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"Where should we go first?" Sofia asked. We all walked side by side. Sofia and Noah at the front. The lovebirds in the middle. Ander and I behind them.

"To be honest, I don't know. You guys have any ideas?" I said truthfully.

Then, out of nowhere, we saw someone from another team got his hands tied up.

"Guys, look." I pointed at the boy.

"Why is he in that position?" Elena asked. We all shrugged.

"Let me ask him." Sofia volunteered. We all walked closer to the boy. "Hey. Which team are you from?" She greeted the boy and he looked up.

"Hi. I'm from Grey Eagle." The boy answered.

"Ouh. Why are you all tied up?" Sofia looked at his tied up hands.

"This. I advice you guys to run if you see someone wearing a mask like last night." He told us.

I furrowed my brows. "You being tied up has something to do with it?" I asked him.

He nodded. "Yeah. 30 minutes ago, me and my teammates were talking about how are we gonna find the box. Suddenly someone came to us." He paused. "He then asked us to leave one of our teammates behind and there am I." He finished.

"Thanks for telling us. I hope your teammates found the box!" Sofia thanked him.

"You guys too. Be careful." The boy smiled and we walked away.

"This is fun." I told them.

"Yeah. We should be aware of our surrounding." Noah agreed.

We then checked an empty classroom. We searched every inch of it.

"Anyone? Anything?" Sofia asked.

We all said no except Noah.

"I do. Look." He held a scroll in his hand. "What is this?" He said.

We all came closer to him. He opened the scroll and read what's inside.

"If you found this scroll, you have an advantage than the others. Stay away from the catchers. If they caught you, you must left one of your members at the place they caught you. If all of the members in your team is captured, your team will be disqualified. Good luck." He finished.

"I know it's not gonna be easy." I told them. They all agreed.

"I'm glad that we decided to stick together." Ander looked at me and others.

"Let's check somewhere else guys." Javier stated. We all left the empty classroom.

We were about to turn to the left and suddenly, one of the catchers appeared.

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