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As the cold night was
Beneath the roof of a shed
There lay a woman in pain

As cold as the night was
She bore a little girl
Whom brought a smile upon her face
Only if she knew

As cold as the nights grew
She began to bleed
Oh dear she cried for help

As the cold night became worst

Her baby cried
And she whispered to her
Its going to be alright

As the cold night became more cruel
She cradled her baby into her arms
Rocked her to sleep

As the cold night drew her life
She whispered to her child

As dawn crept onto the shed
She prayed for the safety of her child
Not much she could say
As she looked out at the window
The flowers bloomed
The dandelion
The Rose
Only if she knew what they meant

So this is the first chapter thought it's short i just had to make it short so please do continue reading on and dont forget anyone can play the part of Tamina and short stories to portray the poem will be added later in the book ........☺☺☺☺ I hope I tired in this first chapter thank you for reading 😘😘😘😘I love you guys

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